A* pathfind algorithm c# code inside

Hi everyone I discovered that there are not many pathfinding algorithms in c#. I have made currently made one and am sharing it with you.

Please not this will need a bit of modification to work in your project as I made the grid static in my test program to make it easier to build the algorithm. So it would be best to pass the grid it so that the algorithm is independed of any dependency’s.

Hope it helps some of you out.

`using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;

namespace Pathfinding_Test_1
public enum PathDirection { Up = 0, Down = 1, Left = 2, Right = 3, TopRight = 4, BottomRight = 5, BottomLeft = 6, TopLeft = 7}

public struct PathNode
    /// <summary>
    /// moment to this node
    /// </summary>
    public float G;
    /// <summary>
    /// distance to the target
    /// </summary>
    public float H;

    /// <summary>
    /// total score for this node ie G + H
    /// </summary>
    public float F;
    public Point? Parent;
    public Point GridLocation;

    public PathNode(float movementToThisNode, float distancetToTarget, Point? parent, Point gridLocation)
        G = movementToThisNode;
        H = distancetToTarget;
        F = G + H;
        Parent = parent;
        GridLocation = gridLocation;

public interface PathFinding
    List<PathNode> GetPath(bool[,] grid, Point start, Point end);

public class PathFindingAStar : PathFinding
    private List<Point> _directions = new List<Point>() { new Point(0,-1), new Point(0, 1), new Point(-1, 0), new Point(1, 0),
    new Point(1,-1),new Point(1,1),new Point(-1,1),new Point(-1,-1)};

    private bool _haveSetMovmentCosts = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// weathe we can have diaganal movement or not
    /// 1 = no diaganal movment
    /// 2 = allow diaganal movement
    /// </summary>
    private byte _allowDiaganalMovment = 1;

    private float[] _movementCosts = new float[8];

    public PathFindingAStar(float normalMovement, float directionalMovement, bool allowDiaganalMovement)

        //set up down left right movement costs
        _movementCosts[0] = normalMovement;
        _movementCosts[1] = normalMovement;
        _movementCosts[2] = normalMovement;
        _movementCosts[3] = normalMovement;

        //set all directional movement costs
        _movementCosts[4] = directionalMovement;
        _movementCosts[5] = directionalMovement;
        _movementCosts[6] = directionalMovement;
        _movementCosts[7] = directionalMovement;

        if (allowDiaganalMovement)
            _allowDiaganalMovment = 2; //set to allow diagal movment
            _allowDiaganalMovment = 1; //disable diagal movment
        _haveSetMovmentCosts = true;

    private bool ValidNode(Point node, bool[,] grid)
        if (node.X < 0 || node.Y < 0)
            return false;

        if (node.X >= Game1.GridSize || node.Y >= Game1.GridSize)
            return false;

        if (grid[node.X, node.Y])
            return false;
            return true;

    private List<PathNode> GetNeighbouringNodes(PathNode node, bool[,] grid, Point end)
        List<PathNode> neighboruingNodes = new List<PathNode>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 4 * _allowDiaganalMovment; i++) //loop through evey possible node
            if (ValidNode(node.GridLocation + _directions[i], grid)) //check each node to see if its valid or not
                neighboruingNodes.Add(new PathNode(_movementCosts[i] + node.G,
                    TargetDistance(node.GridLocation + _directions[i], end), node.GridLocation, node.GridLocation + _directions[i])); //add the new node

        return neighboruingNodes;

    private PathNode FindBestNode(ref List<PathNode> nodes, int start)
        float bestf = float.MaxValue;
        int bestnode = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            if (nodes[i].F < bestf)
                bestf = nodes[i].F;
                bestnode = i;


       /* float shortestdistance = float.MaxValue;
        for (int i =0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            if (nodes[i].F == bestf)
                if (nodes[i].H < shortestdistance)
                    shortestdistance = nodes[i].H;
                    bestnode = i;
        return nodes[bestnode];

    private float TargetDistance(Point start, Point end)
          return MathHelper.Distance(start.X, end.X) +
            MathHelper.Distance(start.Y, end.Y);

    public List<PathNode> GetPath(bool[,] grid, Point start, Point end)
        if (!_haveSetMovmentCosts)
            throw new Exception("Movement costs need to be set first");

        List<PathNode> Tmplist = new List<PathNode>();

        List<PathNode> _openList = new List<PathNode>();
        List<PathNode> _closedList = new List<PathNode>();

        _openList.Add(new PathNode(0, TargetDistance(start, end), null,
            new Point((int)start.X, (int)start.Y))); //create the first node

        PathNode currentNode;
        int nodeIndex = -1;
        while (_openList.Count > 0) //while there is something in the open list
            currentNode = FindBestNode(ref _openList, 0); //get the nearts node to the destination

            _closedList.Add(currentNode); //add that node

            if (currentNode.GridLocation == new Point((int)end.X, (int)end.Y)) //if we have reached the destination
                List<PathNode> path = new List<PathNode>();
                PathNode pn = currentNode;
                int index;
                while (pn.Parent != null)
                    index = _closedList.FindIndex(t => t.GridLocation == pn.Parent);
                    pn = _closedList[index];
                return path;

            Tmplist = GetNeighbouringNodes(currentNode, grid, end);

            for (int i = 0; i < Tmplist.Count; i++)
                if (_closedList.FindIndex(t => t.GridLocation == Tmplist[i].GridLocation) < 0 && _closedList != null)
                    nodeIndex = _openList.FindIndex(t => t.GridLocation == Tmplist[i].GridLocation);//find the first node that has this grid location
                    if (nodeIndex < 0) //if not in the list
                        _openList.Insert(0, Tmplist[i]); //add to the open list
                        if (Tmplist[i].F < _openList[nodeIndex].F) //if the current node took less moves to get there than the old node
                        _openList[nodeIndex] = Tmplist[i]; //replace the old node
        return null;
