APK to Monogame project

Hi… I know it’s a long shot, but is there any way i can restore my monogame project from an apk?
A bug in another software permanently deleted my projects folder and in my stupidity i didn’t backup it up… and all that i have left from the project(s) is the apk file…

Not sure if it’ll work, but try extracting the .apk file(it’s an archive), and try using JetBrains C# decompiler on .dll files in it (if there are any).

holy shi… it worked!! thank you man:)

off topic: is it really that easy to acces the code in an apk? i thought it will be encrypted or something… a little concerning…

No encryption, most things in general that can be compiled can also be decompiled to a certain extent.

didn’t know what APK was so in case anyone else is wondering:

and then all of its parts are packaged into one file.

  • e.g. Zipped up! - mentioned in the 3rd paragraph on the wiki.

Another decompiler that I personally prefer - also free

And if you ever have encrypted stored procedures etc in a MS SQL database: try this: