Apos.Content - New Content Builder for MonoGame

I have started working on a new content builder and pipeline tool for MonoGame.

My current goals:

  • Make it easier to develop custom content builders.
  • Allow developers to build custom content into more than just binary files.
  • Make it easier for libraries made for MonoGame to provide their own content.
  • Easier to integrate in a running game.
  • Build content at runtime.
  • Refresh content at runtime.
  • Handle file collisions.
  • Make it possible to have assets named Bullet.png and Bullet.wav if you feel like it.
  • Ability to group files together into a single “archive”.
  • Ability to encrypt content.

This project will not try to be backwards compatible with the current pipeline. Having said that, someone could write their own content types with compatibility in mind.

The repo currently contains an example game with a custom pipeline tool that builds content using the Apos.Content library.

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There are now 2 nuget packages:

Using those, it’s possible to create your own content pipeline. You can see some example code for a custom pipeline here: https://github.com/Apostolique/Apos.Content/blob/master/Example/Pipeline/Program.cs

You could create yourself a custom pipeline that listens to file changes at runtime and rebuilds and reloads the assets instantly in game.

I will be making some base classes to make it easier to write a pipeline later.