Asset does not appear to be a valid XNB file. Did you process your content for Windows

MonoGame3.6 Content.Load(“xnb”) throw error : Asset does not appear to be a valid XNB file. Did you process your content for Windows?
but MonoGame3.5.1 no error!
the xnb files WP7.0 created

My guess is it’s related to the drop of WP8.0 support from 3.6.
It removed the ‘m’ identifier from ContentManager, thous also removing support for XNA’s XNBs.

@DDReaper, Maybe we should add back the identifier like we did for legacy platforms in the past.

I see that MonoGame still support XNBs from XNA/Desktop and XNA/X360 projects (‘w’ & ‘x’ identifiers).
Along those lines, ‘m’ should be added back, not as a legacy MonoGame platform, but on the very top of the list along with the other original XNA plaforms.

Does MonoGame 3.6 now need to use Content.mgcb to generate xNb files on different platforms?

MG doesn’t check for the platform, but it’s a good practice to generate XNB for each platform.
If you create a VS project and put your assets in the /Content/content.mgcb , it will pass the right platform from the project down to the MGCB.exe and generate the right content for you.

In theory, If you build XNB from XNA/Desktop it will still work in MG, but that’s not true for all types of assets on all platforms. For example music, compressed textures and compressed sounds will fail on the wrong platform.

i stil use monogame 3.5.1,compatibility is very good