HI. I am very very new to Game development, this is a very basic question, Can I Develop Games for Android and IOS Mobile Platforms in Monogame?.
Google is your friend
For VS2017 on Windows, install MG after you install VS (so it can detect the installation and install the templates). Make sure you install the Mobile development component in VS as well. Then you can create a MG Android project from a template
I have Visual Studio for MAC… it seems you cant install Monogame for MAC Visual Studio
I believe to develop with MonoGame on the Mac, it requires you to use MonoDevelop to have access to the templates.
You can see the setup instructions at this link, Mac\MonoGame Setup
In addition, to my knowledge, Xamarin Studio is now free since it comes with VS 2015/2017 Community Edition.
I also understand that the MonoGame Community\Developers are working on VS templates for the Mac, though I am not sure why it would take all that long to develop…
This is no longer the case. Xamarin Studio is deprecated in favor of VS for Mac.
@Edgar_Acosta MG can install templates in VS for Mac. You should be able to find the add-in if you enable alpha channel. See also this topic: Add templates for Visual Studio Mac
It’s worth mentioning that the only thing MG installs for any IDE are the templates. The other stuff the installer does is completely IDE-independent.