Help for Visual Studio 2017 PIPELINE RELATED

first sorry for my not so good english, because I’m from Germany.
My Problem is: I wish to run a game solution with VS 2017 and monogame.
I have a file ( Picture .png) in the Content Folder of the solutiuon.
When i start the program ( F5 ), i got this error-message from Visual Studio:

Schweregrad Code Beschreibung Projekt Datei Zeile Unterdrückungszustand
Fehler Der Befehl ““C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\Tools\MGCB.exe” /@:“D:\Temp\Lektion2_7\Lektion2_7\Content\starGold.png” /platform:Windows /outputDir:“D:\Temp\Lektion2_7\Lektion2_7\Content\bin\Windows” /intermediateDir:“D:\Temp\Lektion2_7\Lektion2_7\Content\obj\Windows” /quiet” wurde mit dem Code -1 beendet. Lektion2_7

The paths are right, what goes wrong. I hope you can help me. Please write me, if you have an answer on my private E-Mail Account:

Many thanks for your help and i hope you can read my question.

See you


Hey norbert

You have added the file to the content pipeline, right? Does it build in the pipeline? Sometimes it’s easier to see the errors there.

Just open your content pipeline and click build or rebuild, maybe the exact error is more descriptive there

when i open the Pipeline tool with double-click on the .mgcb file in the content folder
and then build the .png in the
Pipeline tool it worls right. It creates a .xnb file in the Content/bin/Windows Folder.
After that the program build (F5) run without any Problems.

I,ve checked the monogame.content builder.targets, and i mean there is an error in the
parameterlist for the mgcb (lines 41 and 90) the call of /build: is missing in this
decleration. Am I on the right way to solve the error, that i describe above.
The Content.builder target calls the wrong file in the Content Folder. It calls the
.png file instaed of the .mgcb file in the command line of mgcb after /@. How can i
resolve that
Thanks for your help.