Is loading remote content on-the-fly possible?

I know this isn’t really what MonoGame is intended for, but I’d like to stream a video from the web into my game and display it with something like a VideoPlayer. This seems quite difficult to do since ContentManager only seems to be able to load content from the disk and pre-downloading the entire video would take way too long.
Has anyone attempted this or have any ideas about it?
I had one idea which I managed to implement for remote images which was to make a WebRequest and copy the ResponseStream to a MemoryStream buffer which my Texture2D could then use because of it’s Texture2D.FromStream() method but I see no such method for Video objects, so that wouldn’t work.

I think maybe @hachque implemented something like this in Protogame. I remember she had remote content loading, but not sure if video streaming is also implemented.

It would be really great if we could get something like the Vlc player to work in monogame. That can stream record and do all kinds of stuff and its open source.

I never did any kind of video streaming, but on-the-fly reloading of assets is totally possible. You just need to ship the asset content over the network and then overload the asset content manager to load from a memory stream instead of disk.