Is monogame dead?

It’s certainly not dead. PRs are being requested regularly to MonoGame, but those PRs are addressed only when the maintainers are available.

This topic is almost a year old.

I think maintainers should delegate more decision making to contributors, at least for documentation additions and changes. I see there are multiple documentation PRs lying around at MonoGame’s repository, some of them are years old:

Other than that, I stumbled upon this thread now, and I start to realize why I’ve been called a “concern troll” by one of the MonoGame’s contributors… They might be (unconsciously) pushing away new people who are genuinely interested in MonoGame’s future. I recommend to assume positive intentions first and foremost.

Its best to start from

two Net 6-7 samples that are updated by simondarkside… im not sure why the android one cant use the core dll, my sample can. it has to link all the files which is hard to maintain but i did it the same way as the desktop versions, all using shared code and linked assets:

also I put all the targets in the same sln .

net6 core dlls… So rather can get confused by older samples, the templates, and tutorials, i would start with these.

These are the official samples that contain the following:

the other ones I think are out of date.

and this:
also this is only 7 days old i think GitHub - AvaloniaInside/AvaloniaInside.MonoGame: Integration of MonoGame for Avalonia its been open since 2017. finally it been MVP’d. its not easy if you are using xaml and expect to copy paste all taht effortlessly to avalonia, but this shows renewed life. sponsor this guy please… also he has a docking ide id love to have…if its actually was working

Consider sponsor via github so he can fix the issues, also in the docking thing… MG in avalonia this has been in discussion for years. WPF isnt dead but is not multiplatform. Maui has no linux so thsi seems like the way … besides ImgUI… or other , its based on Reactive as well but you dont have to use that. i dont like MVVM so much but its done that way.

if you cant contribute , sponsor… !!! so few people are qualified because of the 11 platfroms and legacy. Teh consoles, its not just the phones and the boxes. There is no alternative. really… outside of a bloated game engine.

the new sponsor system has a way that people can see you gave at least something per month or one time. a PR with like a spelling fix is just an annoyance and they merge all the stuff furiously in a batch…not as it comes in…to minimize code churn and version madness … even an obvious fix can break stuff… like workarounds, and you can cherry pick from unmerged PRs…to your fork or your own code.

Monogame doesnt even have a modern N thread game loop or usable timers. you make your own. it biggest issue is the opengl / shader transpiling and and I think best to let them focus on that. And be happy its not constantly changing/ mutating and bloating up.

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It’s more done than dead. Like Windows Forms, it’s not dead it’s done.

We’ve have a brilliant framework that works enabling anyone to make any game they want from the ground up in C#. What more can you ask for?

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As mentioned before , it seems done at the basic level, but I think there are a lot of things that can be improved.
Like audio for example, it lacks a lot of functionality, at this moment is pretty basic I would say, though you can use 3rd party libraries to cover this area
2D is pretty good, 3d is quite basic and tedious to work with , perhaps some implementations for 3d can really help make things easier.
Another thing that can really help is a set of shaders that can make 3d look better with little effort, not sure if this should be included in the framework itself but this could help a lot of people make games look better.

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One is certain: MonoGame’s maintainers want to preserve backwards compatibility, because MonoGame is used by plenty. However, not all have previous experience with XNA (which MonoGame is based on), so this creates a potential discrepancy of different expectations that would be nice to resolve somehow.

Therefore, if people want something more out of MonoGame… I think it’s time for someone to fork MonoGame, rename the project, with an organic development philosophy, while making a real game with real needs with such a framework. Otherwise, there’s a chance that it’s going to end up being not as useful or difficult to configure for specific use cases.

If not, MonoGame maintainers have to make a leap of faith and make key decisions for the project, like not trying to replicate XNA or be a spiritual successor of XNA. There exist another project for this purpose, which is FNA… But again, it’s totally up to them to make this decision, but it’s very unlikely, because I feel like maintainers of MonoGame are satisfied with project’s current level of success.

According to my observations and the decision making process so far while interacting with this community, I don’t see any other options.