Making some Game Dev Tutorials :)


Im all for being retweeted :slight_smile:


Will do :slight_smile:

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The 9th Tutorial is now up:

This one puts in a Loss/Reset loop. Things are starting to shape up :wink:


here is #10, the whole solution is downloadable with this one:

This one is mostly just cleanup work. I put it up a bit ago I just forgot to post it here…


Wow, you started to make this tutorials only few days after I start with MonoGame. Would have been useful adding MonoGame in the title imo, it just doesn’t come up when you search it.

Thanks for making this tutorials. There is not many good MonoGame tutorials out there.


I forgot to add monogame on that tutorial (fixed now). It is tagged as monogame tho… I think they just have so few views that they are further down the list when searched for… Im sure that will change over time. Thank you for your kind words, but if you want to see the new ones when they come out just subscribe and they should eventually show up in your feed…

Here is #11:

It has Random numbers, the Spider mob, and some clean up work.


Here is #12

This one starts the Building Classes off, makes projectiles view all AttackableObjects, adds a 2nd loss condition, and it does a bit of AI work.


Your tutorials are great. Really a great community contribution. I’m sure a lot of people starting with monogame will learn from these. I know I have.


I am really glad that you find them useful! I will keep putting them out and trying to cover more and more topics.

Part 13 is up:

This one has an intro to Shaders/HLSL in the from of an Anti Aliasing shader.


Looking forward to your next update


I am trying to get the next one out tomorrow. If you havent already make sure to subscribe so that you start getting them in you feed :slight_smile:

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Part 14 is up:

This one is an intro to XML and Linq in C#. And we use it to load in levels.


Part 15 is up:

This one shows how to use C#'s Reflecton via the Activator class, and also has a bit more XML Stuff.


Part 16 is up:

This one adds Arrow Towers, as well as capturing a single key press on the keyboard.


Part 17 is up:

This one adds pausing the game.


Part 18 is up:

The one adds mouse hover detection as well as buttons.


Fantastic work! I was actually looking for an up-to-date tutorial for monogame (it’s been a few years since I used it for anything).


Thank you! I hope it helps!

Just out of curiosity what were you using Monogame for before?

Mostly just testing out ideas here and there (I went to uni to study games programming about a decade ago - which is where I learnt XNA - but I ended up dropping out). Now I want to try and actually build a serious project (or as serious as one person can manage, anyway).

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