Memory Lapse - Soon for Windows 10

Hi everyone,

I am Steve, I have been playing with monogame as a hobby for the last few months and have started building Memory Lapse. Memory Lapse is a memory game geared for kids. It will be free and placed in the Windows Store when complete.

This is my first real attempt at building a game. The heart of the game is complete, I have started working on menus, scoring, playing with blender and creating some 3D coins, gems, etc…



Please give me feed back good or bad, let me know how I can improve the game.



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Looks nice! So how soon is soon? The screen-shots look very tall, what kind of aspect-ratio/ screen size is this made for? -It will run windowed on a desktop?

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I am thinking a 2 month time frame. It will resize at will no matter the resolution.

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Added a 3D Particle system to shoot coins out of matched cards this morning. Too cheesy? Should I add gems, diamonds?

I’d say yes, but you should ask someone from the target demographic, i.e. kids :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like em… :slight_smile: I think their behavior is unique enough to make it fun looking, how they kind of float gently. But there is a bit of a graphics glitch on the coins. I had a problem like that once, if you need help on it.

This looks great. What are you using for the 3D particle system, or did you write one from scratch?

It is a modified version of

Hello, it has been some time since I worked on MemoryLapse, could not seem to login with my other account anymore. I finally published it to the Windows Store, you can find it here:

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Hello again, I have made another update. I have compiled the code in 64-bit and updated it to work on Windows Mobile.

I released my game on Google Play