MG video player doesn't give back control to application

Hi, i’m using the xna videoplayer via monogame.
The video plays well, but it’s running on an embedded videoplayer and i cannot regain the control of the appication. The debug doesn’t reach the breakpoint anymore, it’s like the entire control is passed to player and i can’t do anything more on the program.

Any help? Thanks.

Seems that it launches another process on the same thread., but this process is not responding to the thread, if i put a breakpoint on the Update() or Draw() cycle it doesn’t stop there. But if i close the main thread the video process stops anyway

Sorry for bump up this, but i’d need to resolve this issue very quickly.
Is anyone there that could figure out what it could be?
Otherwise, do you know a perfect way to play movies for monogame mac osx in the same exact way it does on windows? It has to keep responding, but that’s not actually happening, because the embedded mac media player isolates the process from the main game inputs.

Thank you so much!

I don’t really understand what you mean by “using the xna videplayer via monogame”. Can you give some more details on that?

Well, i simply use the mediaplayer class with monogame framework on mac osx with the same code which i’m using on classic windows xna.
The video is a .mov passed on monogame pipeline tool and it plays well.

The problem is that in the update cycle i have a keyboard.getstate to check if the player has pressed a key - this isn’t working on mac osx because the player seems like tied to the osx media player process and don’t want to take any order further from the code, unless i stop it (that stops the thread and so the child process).

The debugger also doesn’t stop on the update and draw functions while the movie is playing.

What coud it be?

Thank you Konaju!

I would have to check. I have never tried to play a video in a MonoGame app on OS X.

See if there could be a workaround here to solve that issue. I’m unable to close the whole mac version of my game just because of that single problem :slight_smile:

Thanks mate!

Seems related to this, but if so still can’t work it out…