MGCB editor Proxy environment help

Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone can help,

Im having issues trying to install MGCB editor but i am on a proxy environment and get the following error

Ive checked my webfilter and there isnt anything blocked and user has permission to run programs and cmd


Hi @Tom_Duxbury Welcome to the Community!

Unfortunately, this is not a MonoGame issue, a quick web search would find you this solution over on Stack Overflow:

Good Luck!

Happy Coding!

What happens if you omit the dash in the package name? You wrote -dotnet-mgcb-editor, but what if you write dotnet-mgcb-editor?

Can verify this quite easily by just testing the package names on the nuget website.
Valid url
Not valid url

When working with CLI commands you’re not supposed to add - or -- with what you actually use as a input, you use those to annotate nouns/adjectives which can take inputs. Imagine if the install command took a C# string, would you write "-Hello World" instead of "Hello world".

Just for the record, I prefer to copy paste terminal commands from the installation instructions whenever I install anything via the command line. Reduces probability for typos :slight_smile:

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Far too many hyphens for my liking… easy to miss…