MonoGame inside your web browser

Oh, that’s awesome :smiley:

Some of the information here is outdated.

Blazor now uses mono-wasm AOT to compile to webasm using llvm. It also still supports an interpreted mode for rapid prototyping.

Note that Blazor is really the app framework, you can use mono-wasm without Blazor, and probably want to in this case.

.net core 5 will support compile to webasm natively without the need to use mono

Hey, this is awesome and managed to display a few things on my web browser. But as I wanted to port a small game I made, I ran into a Specified method is not supported error. My game is quite simple and I think I won’t have any problem finding a workaround for this method… if only I knew which one !

Is it possible to know where my problem is? Thanks.

Here’s the full stacktrace :

System.Exception: Uncaught System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
Error: Specified method is not supported.
    at ctor (
    at ctor.$ctor1 (
    at new ctor (
    at Function.GetGLFormat (
    at $ctor1.PlatformConstruct (
    at $ctor1.$ctor3 (
    at new $ctor1 (
    at ctor.Read$1 (
    at ctor.Read (
    at ctor.InnerReadObject (

Okay, by commenting/uncommenting lots of lines, I just found out that loading spritefonts and/or sounds is the problem.

    Font = content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font");
    Click = content.Load<SoundEffect>("Click");
    Song = content.Load<Song>("Music");

These line are my problem, how should I proceed to add sounds and spritefonts into the web version?

at Function.GetGLFormat (

Font = content.Load(“Font”);

Maybe it’s related to the texture compression / texture format. For start, change the Compression of SpriteFont to ‘Color’ to see if it’s working.

Yes, jsut set texture compression to color and it will work.



Is there source/build instructions for this demo? I have a MonoGame project and would like to try to port it to web!


I’ve been meaning to check this out for a while and finally got around to it. Alpha or not. This rocks!! Good job @harry-cpp . I just ported one of our monogame based games. I expected a lot of issues during the port, but I was surprised by how much was already working.
Take a look at choose play as a guest and take a look at the “High Noon Saloon” game. Speed was not much of an issue since the game is designed to run on low cost android tablets.

There are a few issues I have found with sound effects especially when exiting and restarting the game. And it needs the ability to resize on the fly.

I am pretty familiar with the monogame source code since I use a customized version to integrate into our platforms. I think I will grab the source see if I can figure out what is going on.

Also thanks to @craftworkgames on the excellent info for getting things setup.

Again awesome job guys.


This is cool!

Heads up on this. You’ll be tempted to pull in the latest Bridge.NET Nuget, but the current one has an incompatibility. It’ll work until you try to load textures. Use Bridge.NET 17.2 or earlier.

Anyone got an example of successfully using DrawUserIndexedPrimitives() in this solution?

After getting it all working with monogame extended, I’m struggling to add Spine support.

Just rewrote the spine runtime to use sprite batch for now. I think there may be a couple things unsupported there still on web.

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Is there a guide on setting up and building a web project through the dotnet CLI?

There used to be a starter project out there but I can’t find it now.

General things for me.

start a project and add the NuGet package as well as the MonoGame for bridge package.

The package you use must be only up to 17.2ish unless you want to manually “fix” Monogame for the latest bridge version by downloading the source.

Any library you utilize must also add

Look at his sample code for some good async loading examples.

I was unable to really load graphics up and display them until I created an iis local web server. Always got a script error trying to run them by pulling up index.html in a browser.

Make sure to add MIME type .xnb for your web server.

@T_F_G Saw your post a bit late, spritebatch will more than likely get you better performance than DrawUserIndexedPrimitives with Bridge.NET (some marshaling issue), but a proper wasm version isn’t too far off now and it should be available in a couple of months.

@Kimimaru There are dotnet cli template:


Ok cool…

Wow. That’s great news. Let me know if I can contribute in some way.

Hello Craftwork!

Could you make your tutorial about “Monogame for the web” accesible again?

Thank you!

Hey @morten

Craftwork here. I’m using a different account because something strange happened to my old account.

The old website is open source on github and the content is just a handful of markdown files so you can find the post you’re looking for here:

Have a great day! :slight_smile:

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Hey @T_F_G Could you share your changes to spine, in the process of doing the same.


@harry-cpp Any progress report on wasm? Any chance of beta access? :slight_smile:

So my initial issue w/ Spine on web was wrong. It’s got nothing to do with DrawIndexedUserPrimitive. Works fine. The issue I had was with BasicEffect. For whatever reason, the BasicEffect I was using in my normal Monogame engine was just not drawing in the content of the web.

I replaced it with the SpriteEffect used to draw batched sprites and it works fine. That was my key change that worked. I never got to figuring out why “BasicEffect” wasn’t working for me on the web.

Other than that, I also had a few issues with some of the Spine comparers in their runtime for collection classes working in the context of Bridge.NET. I had to take them out and add my own Equals(), GetHashCode() etc to various types used.

Replace BasicEffect w/ a SpriteEffect and the normal spine runtime should basically work. You have to add to it and all that jazz.