Need a way to load in a Maze

So i am trying to create a clone of Pacman for part of a college project however i am currently stuck for efficient ways to load a maze in. So far i have created an Object called “MazePieces” which each have a Vector2 Location, Orientation Enumerator(Horizontal, Vertical) for picking the correct piece to use from the Spritemap. And a rectangle Edge for collision detection with the player. I am currently able to create a list of Maze Pieces and load these into the game with working collision.

However now i am trying to think of an efficient way to fill the Maze Piece list. I have tried using a database and creating a database entry for each piece, However this has been way too tedious to fill in. Is there any other more efficient ways to load in a maze? The Constructor for the Maze Piece requires a Location, X and Y, and an orientation for the piece.

Maze Piece Class:
class MazePiece : CharacterObject
public int PieceHeight;
public int PieceWidth;
OrientationEnum PieceOrientation = OrientationEnum.Vertical;
public Rectangle Edge;

    public override void LoadContent(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content) //LOADING CONTENT
        SpriteMap = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"FullSprites");
    public enum OrientationEnum //ORIENTATION OF MAZE PIECES
        Vertical, Horizontal,
    public MazePiece(int x, int y, string _orientation) //CONSTRUCTOR -- TAKES X AND Y FROM INPUT
        this.Location.X = x;
        this.Location.Y = y;
        this.PieceOrientation = (OrientationEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrientationEnum), _orientation);           
        Edge = new Rectangle((int)Location.X, (int)Location.Y, PieceWidth, PieceHeight);
    public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) //DRAWING EACH PIECE IN
        if (PieceOrientation == OrientationEnum.Vertical) //CHECKING WHICH PIECE NEEDS TO BE DRAWN
            int X = 30;
            int Y = 96;
            spriteBatch.Draw(SpriteMap, Location, new Rectangle(X, Y, 12, 24), Color.White);
            PieceHeight = 24;
            PieceWidth = 12;
        if (PieceOrientation == OrientationEnum.Horizontal) //CHECKING WHICH PIECE NEEDS TO BE DRAWN
            int X = 0;
            int Y = 102;
            spriteBatch.Draw(SpriteMap, Location, new Rectangle(X, Y, 24, 12), Color.White);
            PieceHeight = 12;
            PieceWidth = 24;

If class something like this:

public enum Facing {
    vertical, horizontal

class Sprite {
    public Texture2D texmap; // reference to texture map
    public Vector2 pos;        

class MazePart : Sprite {        
    public Facing facing = Facing.vertical;
    public Rectangle source_rect;
  // C O N S T R U C T  /  I N I T      
    public MazePart(int x, int y, Facing _facing, Texture2D refer_texture) //CONSTRUCTOR -- TAKES X AND Y FROM INPUT
        texmap = refer_texture;      // point to the texture map to use that's already loaded
        pos    = new Vector2(x, y);  // set part in a position
        facing = _facing;            // set the source to copy image from: 

    // S E T   R E C T  
    public void SetRect()
        switch (facing)
            case Facing.vertical:   source_rect = new Rectangle(30, 96, 12, 24); break;
            case Facing.horizontal: source_rect = new Rectangle(0, 102, 24, 12); break;

    // D R A W
    public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
        spriteBatch.Draw(texmap, pos, source_rect, Color.White);

} // End MazePart Class

And then in Game 1 something with editor and loader like this:

namespace Mazer {        
    public class Game1 : Game {
        const string LEVEL_NAME = @"Content\\lev1.txt";
        GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
        SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
            SpriteFont  font;
            KeyboardState kb, okb;
            bool    edit_mode = false;
            Point   edit_pos;
            Vector2 player_start_pos;

            Texture2D images;         
            List<MazePart> mazeParts;

            public Game1()
                graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
                Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            // I N I T
            protected override void Initialize()
                spriteBatch      = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
                player_start_pos = new Vector2(6, 6);

            // L O A D 
            protected override void LoadContent()
                font      = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font");
                images    = Content.Load<Texture2D>("SpriteSheet");           
                mazeParts = new List<MazePart>();
                LoadMap(LEVEL_NAME);               // returns if doesn't exist 
            protected override void UnloadContent() { }

            // O C C U P I E D:
            bool Occupied(bool Delete=false) {
                int i = 0;
                    if ((mazeParts[i].pos.X == edit_pos.X) && (mazeParts[i].pos.Y == edit_pos.Y)) {
                        if (Delete) mazeParts.RemoveAt(i);
                        return true;
                return false;

            // U P D A T E 
            public bool KeyPress(Keys k) { if (kb.IsKeyDown(k) && okb.IsKeyUp(k)) return true; else return false; }
            protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
                okb = kb;
                kb  = Keyboard.GetState();
                if (kb.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) Exit();
                if (KeyPress(Keys.E)) {
                    edit_mode = !edit_mode; // toggle between edit mode and play mode                       
                    if (!edit_mode) SaveMap(); 

                if (edit_mode)
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.Right)) { edit_pos.X += 12; }
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.Left))  { edit_pos.X -= 12; }
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.Down))  { edit_pos.Y += 12; }
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.Up))    { edit_pos.Y -= 12; }
                    MathHelper.Clamp(edit_pos.X, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width -24);
                    MathHelper.Clamp(edit_pos.Y, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height-24);
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.H)) {
                        if (!Occupied()) mazeParts.Add(new MazePart(edit_pos.X, edit_pos.Y, Facing.horizontal, images));
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.V)) {
                        if (!Occupied()) mazeParts.Add(new MazePart(edit_pos.X, edit_pos.Y, Facing.vertical, images));
                    if (KeyPress(Keys.Delete)) { if (Occupied(Delete: true)); }                


            // D R A W 
            protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

                spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.NonPremultiplied, null, null, null, null, null);
                if (edit_mode) {
                    spriteBatch.Draw(images, edit_pos.ToVector2(), new Rectangle(0, 102, 8, 8), Color.White);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Press H or V to add walls (arrows to move)", new Vector2(10, 100), Color.LimeGreen);
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Press E to go back to play mode (auto saves)", new Vector2(10, 200), Color.LimeGreen);
                } else {
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Press E to enter toggle edit mode", new Vector2(10, 10), Color.LimeGreen);                
                int i = 0;
                while(i<mazeParts.Count) {               
            } // Draw

            // S A V E  M A P 
            void SaveMap()
                if (File.Exists(LEVEL_NAME)) File.Copy(LEVEL_NAME, @"Content\\backup.txt", true);  // in case you want a backup
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(LEVEL_NAME))
                    writer.WriteLine(player_start_pos.X.ToString() + "," + player_start_pos.Y.ToString() + ",");
                    int i = 0; Console.WriteLine(mazeParts.Count);
                    while (i<mazeParts.Count)
                        writer.WriteLine("PART_XY," + mazeParts[i].pos.X.ToString()+","+mazeParts[i].pos.Y.ToString() + ",");
                        writer.WriteLine("PART_TYPE," + ((int)mazeParts[i].facing).ToString() + ",");
            } // SaveMap

            // L O A D  M A P 
            void LoadMap(string level_name)
                if (!File.Exists(level_name)) return;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(level_name))
                    string line = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] parts = line.Split(',');                 // split into strings at each comma
                    player_start_pos.X = Convert.ToSingle(parts[0]);  // Vector2 uses float = SINGLE
                    player_start_pos.Y = Convert.ToSingle(parts[1]);

                    int i = -1;
                    while (reader.EndOfStream != true)
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        parts = line.Split(',');
                        switch (parts[0])             // first string should contain a tag telling it what the data is for
                            case "PART_XY":
                                // need to make a new one: 
                                MazePart m_part = new MazePart(Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]), Convert.ToInt32(parts[2]), Facing.horizontal, images); // temporarily say it's horizontal
                                // add it to the list (and edit later): 
                                i++; // update the index so we modify the current one as we load more data
                            case "PART_TYPE":
                                // modify the current part: 
                                mazeParts[i].facing = (Facing)(Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]));
                                mazeParts[i].SetRect(); // fix the rectangle sources, now that the orientation is corrected
            } // LoadMap


By load in you mean save/load or a way to build a maze yourself like in a text file?