NullReferenceException in 3.6, CallbackOnCollectedDelegate in source

Could anyone provide any assistance?

I’m finally getting around to converting a long running XNA project to Monogame and am having significant trouble.

After installing Monogame 3.6 and updating my graphics drivers to fix a different problem, I encountered a problem where the program would throw a NullReferenceException on the game1 constructor. The exception was identical to the screenshot in this post: [SOLVED] NullReferenceException when creating instance of Game class . Unfortunately, the solution that worked for that user (referencing Monogame.Framework) did not work for me.

So, I installed and built the source code. I have tried both -master and -develop branches: both exhibit the following behavior.

When I try to draw some indexed primitives, I get the CallbackOnCollectedDelegate exception (example here: from GraphicsDevice.OpenGL, where PlatformDrawIndexedPrimitives calls GL.DrawElements(target, indexElementCount, indexElementType, indexOffsetInBytes); (line 1058).

So far I’ve been unable to find a solution to this problem.

(EDIT) Exception Information:

Managed Debugging Assistant ‘CallbackOnCollectedDelegate’ has detected a problem in ‘C:\Users\Quasar\Documents\Qu’s Projects\Species\Monogame\Species\Species\bin\DesktopGL\AnyCPU\Debug\Species.vshost.exe’.

Additional information: A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate of type ‘MonoGame.Framework!MonoGame.OpenGL.GL+DebugMessageCallbackProc::Invoke’. This may cause application crashes, corruption and data loss. When passing delegates to unmanaged code, they must be kept alive by the managed application until it is guaranteed that they will never be called.


If you have built monogame from source you can find where it comes from by the mg project to your game, and referencing ut insteae of the dll. You should be able to ‘see’ where it comes from
Putting a stop on this callback could help too uf you know where it is