Projectile not being drawn if the enemy is to close

I want to have two type of projectiles in my videogame, one that only hits one enemy and another one that hits all enemies that are within the attack area of the character. But I have a problem. If for example I set the attack area of my as 1000f the enemies are simply killed and the projectiles never drawn. Bellow I leave my classes

 public class Projectile : Basic2D
        protected bool done;            //the projectile travelled all the character range or hitted an enemy
        protected float speed;          //speed in which the projectile will travel 
        protected Vector2 direction;
        protected Unit owner;           //Unit that shot the projectile
        protected Vector2 originalPosition;  //position where the projectile was shot

        public Projectile(string _path, Vector2 _position, Vector2 _dimensions, Unit _owner, Vector2 _target) : base(_path, _position, _dimensions)
            done = false;
            owner = _owner;
            direction = _target - owner.GetPosition();
            originalPosition = _position;
            direction.Normalize(); //makes lenght 1
            SetRotation(RotateTowards(GetPosition(), new Vector2(_target.X, _target.Y)));

        public bool IsDone()
            return done;
        public virtual void Update(Vector2 _offset, List<Enemy> _enemies, Character _character)
            SetPosition(GetPosition() + (direction * speed));

            if (CheckCollision(_enemies, _character) || OutOfRange())
                done = true;


        public virtual bool CheckCollision(List<Enemy> _enemies, Character _character)
            for (int i = 0; i < _enemies.Count; i++)                     //will go trough the list of enemies
                //if the Unit who shot the projectile and the target are foes 
                //AND if the target is in range of the owner of the projectile attack area
                if (Vector2.Distance(GetPosition(), _enemies[i].GetPosition()) < owner.GetAttackArea() && owner.GetOwnerId() != _enemies[i].GetOwnerId() )

                    //if an enemy is hit there was a collision .This implies that the variable done will be set as true
                    //The fact that the return is inside the if condition implies that this projectile will only affect one enemy
                    return true;

            if (owner.GetOwnerId() != _character.GetOwnerId() && Vector2.Distance(GetPosition(), _character.GetPosition()) < owner.GetAttackArea())

                return true;

            return false;

        public virtual bool OutOfRange()
            if (Vector2.Distance(GetPosition(), originalPosition) > owner.GetRange())
                return true;

            return false;


        public override void Draw(Vector2 _offset)
 public class Fireball : Projectile

        public Fireball(Vector2 _position, Unit _owner, Vector2 _target) : base("2D\\Projectiles\\fireball", _position, new Vector2(40, 40), _owner, _target)
            speed = 5.00f;

        public override void Update(Vector2 _offset, List<Enemy> _enemies, Character _character)
            base.Update(_offset, _enemies, _character);

        //We intend that a fireball has a slightly different behavior than the other projectiles.
        //In other words , we want the fireball to affect all enemies within range
        public override bool CheckCollision(List<Enemy> _enemies, Character _character)

            bool hitted = false;
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < _enemies.Count; i++)

                //if the Unit who shot the projectile and the target are foes and if the target is in range of the owner of the projectile attack area
                if (owner.GetOwnerId() != _enemies[i].GetOwnerId() && Vector2.Distance(GetPosition(), _enemies[i].GetPosition()) < owner.GetAttackArea())
                    hitted = true;

            if (count > 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("THIS PROJECTILE HITTED : " + count);

            if (owner.GetOwnerId() != _character.GetOwnerId() && Vector2.Distance(GetPosition(), _character.GetPosition()) < owner.GetAttackArea())
                hitted = true;

            return hitted;

        public override void Draw(Vector2 _offset)

This is where I update and draw my projectiles

 public void Update()
                    //update projectiles
                    for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.Count; i++)
                        projectiles[i].Update(offset, enemies,character);
                        if (projectiles[i].IsDone())

        public void Draw()

                //draw the projectiles
                for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.Count; i++)

Im not sure if its causing it but I do see a bug in your update.

Your iterating through a list using a for loop, then removing an object mid iteration. This will cause an error because your collection size has changed.

If you iterate backwards this will fix that problem

Bye iterating backwards you mean starting in Count -1 right?

Actually, when removeAt is called the list rearranges itself, so how can that be a problem?

Nevermind, I finally understood what you meant