[Question] Loading list of a class in a XML using ContentPipeline

So, i’m trying to load a XML file from the Content Pipeline, the xml is the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <Asset Type="GoblinData.Coloration[]">
          <name>Verde Claro</name>
          <color>199 234 70</color>
          <color>0 255 70</color>

and heres the class:

namespace GoblinData
    public class Coloration
        public int id;
        public string name = null;
        public int[] color = { 0, 0, 0 };
        public int combat = 0;
        public int knowledge = 0;
        public int dextirity = 0;
        public int luck = 0;

I maded a library with the contents of the file, and the ContentPipeline loaded with no problem.

But when i run Content.Load<GoblinData.Coloration[]>("Xml\\Colorations"); the following error show up:

Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: 'Incorrect type reader index found!'

Anyone know how to load a list of a class in Monogame from the content pipeline?

You need to make class that loads in all your classes if they are of different types.

I found it really hard to find examples for using content loading and writing using the content pipeline the one good example i found here.


I have a working monogame example based on this so it works he loads 3 different types of structs here.