Should I jump to 3.6?


I have been working on and off on my latest game (which is going to be on Steam some day :wink: ) for around 5 to 6 months now, and plan to finish it by summer.

However, lately I have had weird crashes on some computers without knowing what causes the crash, and game works 100% on all computers I have tested it. The crashes happened on friends and other testers computers. There were one or two discussions about these crashes already here but no fix for them.

Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory., 
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: 
Unhandled Exception:System.InvalidOperationException: This image format is not supported ---> System.Out0fMemoryException: Out of memory.

Also, I have sometimes got crash related to OpenTK and missing Symbols on startup.

I read that 3.6 moves away from OpenTK and uses its own system, has fixed many problems related to Cross Platform Project and is faster and better overall.

And here’s my question: is 3.6 stable enough for commercial products?

Thanks, and keep up the good work with the Framework, I love C# but I don’t care about Unity for 2D games. :slight_smile:

Did you profile their system setups? do they have the same amount of memory as your development system?

I always try to encourage people to use the develop version. It’s been a while since the 3.5 release and a bunch of things have been fixed/improved. And if more people are using develop, that means we find bugs faster. In general it’s pretty stable, the build server makes sure all solutions build and all tests pass.

Also, it won’t be long until the 3.6 release and there’ll be some stability testing before that, so you can be sure that it’s stable enough for releasing your game by the time your ready for that.

No I didn’t, but the game uses <120MB Memory according to Windows Task Manager.

Another friend, who is also contributing to game’s code, had weird issue on one of his laptops: in Visual Studio’s debug mode the game did run, but most of the textures were missing, and running the game from .exe file crashes it.

We use textures as .png files, they aren’t compiled as .xnb with Pipeline.

Good to hear, I’ll try 3.6 next week. :slight_smile:

Are they using some sort of Netbook with low VRam? how long was it running for before they exited? could be delayed disk reads?

A lot of possibilities without knowing how your project works or behaves… I would suggest profiling their system to find out if it is a system below your requirements threshold… What is the game anyway? can you show a video or screenshot?

Continuous integration/gated checkin :slight_smile:
Is it the free version of teamcity? Or paid one?

I’m not sure. They offer free service for open source projects ( ), so probably either that or the regular free version. There’s only 3 build bots set up and so the regular version the regular version would be good enough.

I am using 3.6 and having no issues with it at all. No memory issues or crashes when compiled. Or any debug issues. I use resharper as well but shouldn’t effect the compile at all even with its resharper memory profiler/compiler thingy.

Thanks, i’ll have a look at it to integrate it into my engine’s workflow, in order to later build a team.

There are a bunch of alternative, check out this page: