[Solved] Authorization required for develop branch NuGet feed

I was looking for the latest MonoGame binaries, so I thought I’d add the develop branch NuGet feed to my NuGet Package Sources, but, while I can list the packages, actually installing them apparently requires credentials?

Are you signed into VS?

Not sure why it would matter, but yes, I am signed into VS.

From my experience, i prefer downloading the installer and launch it myself than an auto updated thing like nuget.
When there are regressions (which is likely in dev branch, and which happened about 3 or 4 times), with nuget, you are stuck with it if you have updated it.
With the installer, you can keep at least the 5 last versions you downloaded, so you can go back until a fix is made by the team

You’ll still have an installer because of the pipeline.exe.
And not sure if I get your point, you can still revert to an older version using nuget, can’t you? I do it all the time.

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By doing a reverse update ‘all the time’ , you confirm it happens often :wink:

At work, in the company I work for, in a high competitive area, we avoid being dependant on updates of modules we don’t control the source code of, nor the updates. We can’t afford loosing time playing with versions to find the right combination of modules, more notably when some of them are dependancies of others.
So doing tests before an update on a “dev_update_branch” is not an option, in order to be sure it builds, launches and untitest pass correctly.

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I understand your point and concur, but I fail completely when trying to get the connection to my post. You are in version-hell this way or that. Nuget just doesn’t have anything to do with it. With nuget you at least have a chance of getting a hold on those pesky transitive dependencies you describe are such a pain.

I was merely stating that your method of ‘keeping the last 5 updates around in case you need them’ still works with nuget.
In fact it’s the same thing, just partially online.

And yes. That happens often… But only with my own packages :smile:

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I’ve done some further investigation, and it seems like it’s actually a NuGet issue that’s unrelated to the (Monogame) NuGet feed; I’ve got several NuGet feeds configured, and one of them requires authentication.

However, for some reason, cancelling out of that, (since I don’t use that feed for the monogame project) actually interferes with NuGet’s query to the teamcity server, causing NuGet to request authorization for the MonoGame feed, where anonymous access is actually allowed.

Apparently, me cancelling out of the authorization for one feed disrupts the authentication flow for another.