[SOLVED] MonoGame.Tests.Windows not compiling in VS2015

Hello all,

I’m trying to get started with Monogame source development. The first thing I’m trying to do is to get unit tests to run. However, I the MonoGame.Tests.Windows project doesn’t compile. Here’s what I’ve done

  1. Clean install of VS2015 community edition

  2. Download and fork monogame from GitHub

  3. Open the Solution MonoGame.Framework.Windows. This solution includes eight projects.

  4. Build. Other projects compile, but the MonoGame.Tests.Windows project fails at line 81 of MonoGame.Tests.Windows
    “There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter ‘reason’ of ‘IgnoreAttribute.IgnoreAttribute(string)’ at \MonoGame\Test\Framework\GameTest+Methods.cs 81”

My understanding is that these are nunit tests, not visual studio 2015 native tests, but the test project should still compile, in order to be run, right? I’ve installed the nunit package on nuget in VS, but nothing changes. How are Monogame devs on windows compiling and running unit tests?


Edit: Got help on Gitter. For other devs encountering this issue, the problem was installing the nunit package on VS. That nunit version doesn’t have the same constructors as the one from protobuild. What you need to do is get a clean install, make sure there are no packages from nuget. Run the protobuild.exe at the top of the directory, and then open the solution. Everything will compile.