[SOLVED]Skinned FBX - A noob's nightmare


  • Tutorial for Skinned Sample in MonoGame (found in here)
  • Visual Studio 2017 and MonoGame 3.6
  • FBX export (2012) - baked animation - resample (2 of 3 objects have no UV cords)
    Noticed when building Content Pipeline Extension, by default it shows Content.Pipeline reference but indicates it canā€™t actually find it ā€” so I add it with browse - C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\Tools\MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.dll
    So I fixed that problem - builds fine.
    Added the pipeline .dll to Content and set file to process using it. Build it and it says Failed showing no error int the MG Content Pipeline - but in VStudio console it does show this:
    The command ā€œā€œC:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\Tools\MGCB.exeā€ /@:ā€œC:\Users\JEI\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Game3D\Game3D\Content\Content.mgcbā€ /platform:DesktopGL /outputDir:ā€œC:\Users\JEI\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Game3D\Game3D\Content\bin\DesktopGLā€ /intermediateDir:ā€œC:\Users\JEI\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Game3D\Game3D\Content\obj\DesktopGLā€ /quietā€ exited with code 1.
    I was careful to ensure everything in the models are simple and ā€œzeroed-outā€ properly.
    2 of mine donā€™t work and 2 from 2 other ppl also donā€™t work. I canā€™t figure out if itā€™s the code or the FBX that has issues.

*** Even any ideas at all would be helpful - Iā€™m wondering about what I might code to check for problems in the pipeline extension? (ie: perhaps it just doesnā€™t like the FBX or isnā€™t interpreting correctly for some reason)?

[ps: If I ever do figure this out Iā€™d like to create a set of concrete steps that anyone can follow from versions vs version, to modeling to animating to exporting to importing and to programming to make sure it all works fine - cuz holy crap it seems a lot of ppl struggle a lot with this. XD ]

Got a little further. I put some extra feedback into the extension. Before it wasnā€™t showing the error in output but now it doesā€¦ not sure why itā€™s different now. This is what it says for any FBX I export when I try to build:
"Found animation for bone ā€˜SomeGeometryObjectā€™, which is not part of the skeleton.
Where "SomeGeometryObject is always the skinned mesh. When I look at the FBX file I donā€™t see it marked as a ā€œlimbnodeā€ but as a ā€œmeshā€ā€¦ Iā€™m a bit lostā€¦ Iā€™ll have to study the FBX file format more and see if I can figure out how to bypass it

UPDATE: Hadnā€™t worked on it for a while - gave upā€¦ then just for a sec on a hunch - went back and tried manually pulling out animation curve nodes relating to the mesh stuff. ie:


;AnimCurveNode::T, Model::MyGeoCreature
C: "OP",1388267520,1398244784, "Lcl Translation"

;AnimCurveNode::R, Model::MyGeoCreature
C: "OP",1388274688,1398244784, "Lcl Rotation"

;AnimCurveNode::S, Model::MyGeoCreature
C: "OP",1388372864,1398244784, "Lcl Scaling"

Thatā€™s what it didnā€™t likeā€¦ NOW IT WORKS!!!

YAY!!! :smile:

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YAH! Tried it on my other characters - same magic trick - just pull out the TransRotScale AnimCurveNode for Models
Works for all animated characters now! Animations look perfect! I even have their shadows now :smile:
Now I just gotta connect the playspeed with the analog control and create an elastic orbit-cam.

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This looks really cool! What kind of game are you making?

Thanks :slight_smile: I have a 2d one Iā€™m making now but I was planning ahead working on something 3D on the side (kinda on the drawing board still). Thinking of something in a different sorta magical-tech worldā€¦ ummm kind-of a social/action-RPG - thoughts of DarkCloud2 come to mind but also elements that remind me of SilentHill, Animal Crossing, Star Ocean, Golden Axe, Diablo and Space Quest. Ummmā€¦ weā€™ll just say action-rpg (maybe with some procedurally generated areas and sandbox elements). Iā€™m open to ideas right now. :wink:

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