Hi guys,
I don’t really understand how to start MGCB.exe properly.
What I’ve tried so far is something along the lines of
pProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/outputDir:bin " +
"/importer:TextureImporter " +
"/processor:TextureProcessor " +
"/processorParam:ColorKeyEnabled = false " +
"/build:tex.png ";
to compile a texture.
However, MGCB throws me a
“BuilderBuilds optimized game content for MonoGame projects.Too many arguments” exception. What? These arguments are not even close to enough.
EDIT: I guess I need to create a seperate mgcb file to reference here, yes? That can’t be right
EDIT2: It works if i just call build:tex.png, but otherwise no.
The whole exception
MonoGame Content BuilderBuilds optimized game content for MonoGame projects.Too many argumentsUsage: MGCB Options: /launchdebugger Wait for debugger to attach before building content. /quiet Only output content build errors. /outputDir: The directory where all content is written. /intermediateDir: The directory where all intermediate files are written. /rebuild Forces a full rebuild of all content. /clean Delete all previously built content and intermediate files. /incremental Skip cleaning files not included in the current build. /reference: Adds an assembly reference for resolving content importers, processors, and writers. /platform: Set the target platform for this build. Defaults to Windows desktop DirectX. /profile: Set the target graphics profile for this build. Defaults to HiDef. /config: The optional build config string from the build system. /importer: Defines the class name of the content importer for reading source content. /compress Compress the XNB files for smaller file sizes. /@: Read a text response file with additional command line options and switches. /workingDir: The working directory where all source content is located. /processor: Defines the class name of the content processor for processing imported content. /processorParam:<name=value> Defines a parameter name and value to set on a content processor. /build: Build the content source file using the previously set switches and options. /copy: Copy the content source file verbatim to the output directory.