Why I can't see a completed attacking animation in MonoGame?

Hi, everyone,
I have a question about animation in MonoGame, please look at the following code, all other animations are OK in test, but the Attack animation is wrong, the attack animation has 3 frames, but usually I can only see it can play 1 frame or 2 frames, maybe my code has some problems, Could you tell me how to deal with the problem?

enum Animations

public void update()
    var moveDir = new Vector2(_xAxisInput.value, 0);

    if (moveDir.X > 0)
	if (!_collisionState.below)
	    animation = Animations.Jump;
	    animation = Animations.Run;

	_animation.flipX = false;
	_velocity.X = moveSpeed;
    else if (moveDir.X < 0)
	if (!_collisionState.below)
	    animation = Animations.Jump;
	    animation = Animations.Run;
	_animation.flipX = true;
	_velocity.X = -moveSpeed;
	_velocity.X = 0;
	if (_collisionState.below)
	    animation = Animations.Idle;

    if (_collisionState.below && _jumpInput.isPressed)
	animation = Animations.Jump;
	_velocity.Y = -Mathf.sqrt(2.0f * jumpHeight * gravity);

    if (!_collisionState.below && _velocity.Y > 0)
	animation = Animations.Fall;

    if (_attackInput.isPressed)
	animation = Animations.Attack;                

    //apply gravity
    _velocity.Y += gravity * Time.deltaTime;

    var deltaMove = _velocity * Time.deltaTime;

    _mover.move(deltaMove, _boxCollider, _collisionState);

    if (_collisionState.below)
	_velocity.Y = 0;

    if (!_animation.isAnimationPlaying(animation))
    _velocity.X = 0;
    if (_collisionState.below)
	animation = Animations.Idle;

If collisionState.below is true even while attacking, it’ll switch to the idle animation here. You want to not do this if your character is attacking.

To make this more manageable, I suggest looking into finite state machines. The article gets fairly complicated, but I recommend reading halfway into it. Essentially, you’d write your character controller so your character is in only one state at a time. This way lets you perform certain actions and play certain animations only when each state allows it, preventing you from breaking your code whenever you add a new action your character can perform.

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thank you so much!! that’s really what I need :slight_smile: