Ads in MonoGame 3.5


I would like to add AdMob ads to my game. I have already seen other posts but they are very confused :worried:

I never made it before and I have no idea how I can add AdMob also beacause I tried to download the Google Services in Visual Studio but when I try to compile there are a lot of errors.

There is any tutorial/guide about this topic? :cry:

I resolved. I’ve rewrote step by step the code for AdMob (It’s important because I don’t know why but if you simply copy and paste it doesn’t work) following the already made code from this link: How to make AdMob work with the latest MG?

VERY IMPORTANT: You have to add the following pakages via NuGet:
Xamarin Google Play Services Base
Xamarin Google Play Services Ads
Xamarin Support v4