Demo video of MonoGame 3.8 installation with a script

This video shows the installation of MonoGame 3.8 using a script on Linux Mint 20.2 Uma. Two MonoGame sample applications are included. First one (CornflowerBlue) is built from the script using dotnet commands from the official MonoGame templates. Second one (MonoGameOrange) is cloned from github and has an image, effect and a spritefont added to test the pipeline.
In the end the mscorefonts are manually reinstalled (first manual attempt fails like with the installation script) to make the second demo work.
For all changes to take effect and make everything work (and to be able to build / rebuild the content using the mgcb-editor GUI application) it is necessary to restart the linux session (logout / login or restart).
After that it should be possible to build and run both demos and to build content (especially effect files and spritefonts) using the mgcb-editor GUI application.

The script works with Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa and Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute Hippo too :slight_smile:

What are your thoughts on this?

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After the script finished and after a linux session restart the mgcb-editor GUI application is able to build all content :slight_smile:

In case you are wondering where the script is available, it is not yet. It is on my todo but very busy unfortunately. I thought about just releasing it but I think I will maybe split it up into 3 or 4 scripts.

The mscorefonts installation fails every now and then, so maybe its better to put it into its own script.

The dependencies and the MonoGame installation and configuration together into another script.

And the demo projects maybe to another script in case they are not available at some point anymore because they are on my private GitHub.

This way it is almost sure the MonoGame installation will succeed every time. And the mscorefonts are helpful in case you want to use the standard font of new spritefont content files created with the mgcb-editor. So to have a script to install the fonts is a good idea I think.

And the demos allow a quick start. They should just show the creation of a new project with the dotnet core cli and that / how the content pipeline can be used.

Over the holidays I found some time to work a bit on the script. I released the script and you can find it here in this new thread: