Full Screen on Android

Hello everyone.

I am trying to create a small game for Android using Monogame. I am having issues setting up the Immersive mode. I dd everything as it is suposed to be, but it is still not covering the whole screen.

I read somewhere that this is a problem monogame has, but I have not been able to find any solution on the Internet at all. I am using a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra as my testing device.

Here is my Activity.cs

namespace MobileConcept
Label = ā€œ@string/app_nameā€,
MainLauncher = true,
Icon = ā€œ@drawable/iconā€,
AlwaysRetainTaskState = true,
LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleInstance,
ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait,
ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.Keyboard | ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden | ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.ScreenLayout | ConfigChanges.UiMode | ConfigChanges.SmallestScreenSize
public class Activity1 : AndroidGameActivity
private Game1 _game;
private View _view;

    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

        _game = new Game1();
        _view = _game.Services.GetService(typeof(View)) as View;


    public void SetFullScreen()
        var uiOptions = (int)Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility;
        uiOptions |= (int)SystemUiFlags.LowProfile;
        uiOptions |= (int)SystemUiFlags.Fullscreen;
        uiOptions |= (int)SystemUiFlags.HideNavigation;
        uiOptions |= (int)SystemUiFlags.ImmersiveSticky;

        Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (StatusBarVisibility)uiOptions;
        //Window.SetFlags(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen, WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen);
        this.Immersive = true;


Everything seems to be fine, the immersive mode is indeed activated because it hides the navigation bar and so, but it is still not covering the whole screen when I print everything.

Is there any other work around or permanent solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

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I had to add this code recently for the camera cutoff.

Fullscreen in android is messy. There are 3 or 4 (or 5 ā€¦?) Diferent apis and properties that control the keyboard/status bar/viewsize and everything in between.


I am a little lost. Which part of the code will fix my issue?


if (Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.P)
                // Enable drawing over the camera cutoff.
             Window.Attributes.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode |= Android.Views.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode.ShortEdges;

Call this in OnCreate().
We still donā€™t know if that is your issue.
A screenshot will be helpful.

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Ok I donā€™t have my laptop right now, but my problem is exactly this right here:

I tried using the solution some of the users provided in the comments, but it still does not work.

Apparently the viewport is not set up correctly or something.

I will post the screenshot as soons as possible.

I really appreciate your help.

Also, this image can explain my problem a little bit. You see how the image is printed on the screen but it doe snot cover the whole screen? That is exactly my issue.

For some reason, there is a region of the screen that just shows the default color you using with GraphicsDevice.Clear();

Even if Iprint a imagen on the 0,0 coordinates, it would not print at the exact 0,0 of the screen.

oh, I forgot about this thing. :wink:
Itā€™s been years since I got this fixes in my fork.

Ok, does yhis works exactly like Monogame? As in same syntax and libraries?

Also, do I need to change anything on my code for that to work using Kni?

It a reimplementation of Xna API. Some of the things that MonoGame added might have been change or removed. The changelog has details on all the changes.

I tested it, and it is working great! Thank you so much for this recommendation, I will read more about it.

Actually, my problem is not totally solved yet. Even with the ShortEdges activated, it wonā€™t let me print above the camera cut off.

You can see there is a white bar on the top, which i did not mean to print, its supposed to be all blue.

Honestly, I can work with this, keeping the settings to default instead of ShortEdges, but if you have a fix for this as well I appreciate it

Thank you so much for your time and patience.

Check also if you are setting graphics.IsFullscreen = true;
inside your Game1 constructor.

I am, it is actually set to true by default with the KNI template.

Try and move the Window.Attributes.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode and your SetFullscreen method before new Games1().

Also try it without your SetFullscreen method.

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Thank you very much nkast. Youā€™re awesome and you have my respect. For the life of me I could not find Window.Attributes.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode |= Android.Views.LayoutInDisplayCutoutMode.ShortEdges; anywhere. Google ended up leading me here of all places even though my current game isnā€™t using the MG framework. Thank youi.

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