Having trouble with succesfully installing MonoGame.Extended's packages

Hello developers!

I’m trying to install MonoGame.Extended for my project but I seem to have some trouble with a missing reference to “Newtonsoft.Json”, as it says in the bottom of my screen.
What can I do in order to fix this so I can start using MonoGame.Extended?

Thanks and regards,


I actually had the same problem when I was reinstalling extended a week ago on vs 2017. I believe the problem was that NuGet wasn’t able to install Newtonsoft.Json correctly for some reason. Anyway I’m not sure how I fixed it exactly, but I think that I went into the vs 2017 installer and either repaired or added some more “features” or whatever they’re called. Sorry I just can’t seem to remember what I did exactly.

edit: Now that I think about it, I might have had an issue with the .NetFramework version too so try checking for that, it could have been the problem. Again sorry, I’m not really sure what I did…

That shouldn’t be happening. Can you explain what you did?

Are you referencing the NuGet packages? If so, which ones? Or did you build from source?

As a workaround in the mean time you just need to reference the Newtonsoft.Json package from NuGet.


I used the NuGet package console of Visual Studio 2015 with the mentioned command to successfully obtain the extension (the two DLL files) and this and along with this reply, I’ll send a screenshot of the console as soon as I run the command.

I hope this is helpful in some way!

Thanks again,


Thanks for your reply. If you got another potential solution, feel free to contact me again!



I’m pretty sure I got the exact same error, I’m just not sure how I fixed it. Sorry… Did you try repairing and all of the above?

Actually I keep thinking about it, and I believe it had something to do with the .Net framework version.

By the way what happens if you try to install Newtonsoft.Json from NuGet directly?

Oh okay.

It looks like you’re trying to install the pre-release packages from nuget.org. This won’t work because we don’t publish pre-release packages to nuget.org.

Try removing the -Pre from the command:

Install-Package MonoGame.Extended

If you actually intended to install the pre-release packages follow these instructions to setup your NuGet package sources in Visual Studio.