MonoGame.Forms freezes windows forms designer?

Hi. I have recently updated my level editor to .net core 3.1 and from xna to monogame, and that has caused my application to freeze when I enter designer mode on windows forms with one of the monogame.forms components on the form.

I know that since I have changed a lot on the application there may be several causes but wondering if anyone has seen this happen.

Welcome to the community @ArthurLotuz,

in the moment I can’t take a look into .NetCore support. MonoGame.Forms is currently build against .NetFramework 4.5.1.

As a generall tip you could try to remove the MonoGame.Forms component from the designer and then drag&drop a new one onto a control using the designer to stop freezes.

If that doesn’t work you will get a error message when dropping the MonoGame.Forms component. Feel free to share this error message here.

Thank you so much for the reply, thats ok, it makes perfect sense. I decided then to return my editor to .net framework and just keep the game running on .net core, no problem keeping the editor on .net core for now, thank you for taking the time to reply to my question, appreciate it a lot.