The thing is I use SampleLevel not tex2D nor texlod.
I’ve just made some tests:
ps_4_0 -> No error
ps_4_0_level_9_1 -> texlod not supported on this target
ps_4_0_level_9_3 -> texlod not supported on this target
ps_5_0 -> No error
At least I can use ps_4_0 (as i was using ps_4_0_level_9_1 before, I went only up in the shadermodels, what can the most can the least, seems false now)
Hum. I’ve always thought level_x was adding more features to 4_0. I admit I’ve never read all the details in directx doc.
Never noticed until you wrote it, the “9” Now it makes sense.
Nonetheless, this doesn’t explain why the error is talking about texlod() instead of samplelevel()