So, what I’m trying to achieve is for now to have a program that builds a .png file into a .xnb at launch so I can later on have a nice modding system for my game without the modder having to use the pipeline GUI tool. Two problems so far: I have no clue what the complete initialization and build process for the PipelineManager should be, and my last attempt ended up throwing a nullreferenceexception at the Content.RootDirectory = “Content”; line in the Game1() constructor. I’ve included the NuGet pipeline reference btw.
Any ideas?
+: Right now, I have a dummy folder in my desktop with a “tree.png” file in it. My goals is to have the program build it to an xnb in the same folder for now.
What I do in my current editor project (Rogue Engine Editor) is to dynamically create a content response file and then just building the content with the MonoGame Content Builder. For that I call a custom .bat file which is looking like this:
Yes sir he should ^_^y if he chooses to load any resources that don’t rely on content pipeline tools
as I choose this path and have my own texture and Mesh loader(Obj, MilkShape, Delgine ) that don’t rely on content pipeline/Assimp… from there I can implement CRUD operation anywhere anytime ^ _ ^ y.