Reference Monogame Binaries from Nuget in Xamarin Studio

Okay, on to Android now, in Xamarin studio. I’ve created an Android application project and pulled in the Monogame binaries Nuget package. I can see a new “Packages” folder in my Xamarin Studio project, but when I go to edit the references, I can’t find the Monogame libraries on any of the tabs… I would have expected to seen something in the “Packages” tab at least…

Have I missed something here? What do I need to do to reference Monogame.Android from this package?


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Just seen that someone else has had the same problem on this thread here: MonoGame 3.2 NuGet packages are GO!

So I guess this is something that’s still in progress and for the time being I’ll need to add a reference to the .dll via the assemblies tab, right?

I’ll be releasing a load of new tutorials for MG once the 3.3 release. Will ensure those questions are answered.

For now you can check out Tom and Andy’s MVA session on the Microsoft Virtual Academy.