Shader that works in XNA 4.0 is broken in MonoGame

OK. I couldn’t find one so I made a basic .net6 template with a shared core, shared content, builds, runs on everything… and will upload to my public git… the shader does sample under DX, GL and maybe droid so its something in my setup or render target usage. This should help alot of beginers save a week or more because there arent any up to date simple modern build setups out there, that show how to use one codebase , net standard core, and net6, no repeat code , one fx, content builder, refs to shared content file, that show a simple custom pixel shader in action, and that is the whole point of Monogame. The sample we find are outdated or overly complex.

Just wondering If you guys are still doing any 2d shaders or compute that work on desktop gl , android, ios, and windowsdx, via monogame… i took the old sample and update my last one to mg3.8.1 and net7. There is interest in tryng to work w admob or a shared ios/ androind/ maui based ( mabye) ad host. you are welcome ot work my branch if still interested… I made a compute branch but even my old simple clip shader broke… but it looks more promising thabtn the old way moving forward…

So im trying to break out general stuff everyone woujld need, see if anyone wants to share basic shaders like clip and ray casts and the like, its organized a bit like the netcore 3…1 netstandard 2 but its on net 7 now . , and allow us to touch one Fx file and just buld and runon whatever. No shared folders, conflicts, or bloat and good architecture. Not bulidng a game engine but one could easily add physics engines, imaging dlls, and such … as core net6 DLLs… if doing graphics like to MG Gl i think the “bait and switch” still works, it builds content for each EXE and puts it in differrnt folders…

Monogame With Xamarin or Maui (IOS /Android) - #25 by Damian_Eaglestein… I might ad avaloniaUI , aValonia and WPF level edititor type samples to it as well.

sorry its a little bit of a crazy mess but it would be nice to have some more eyes on this , its just the old mg netcore 3 ->netstandard core up to net 6 or 7-> Net6… should just clone and builld and run at least on adroid and desktopDX/ or GL on vs 2022 preview and windows …

Just wondering If you guys are still doing any 2d shaders that work on desktop gl , android, ios, and windowsdx, via monogame… i took the old sample and update my last right to mg3.8.1 and net7. There is interest in tryng to work in admob or a sharped maui based ( mabye) ad host. you are wellcome ot work my branch if stilll interested… I made a compute branch but even my old simple clip shader broke… but it looks more promising thabtn the old way moving forward…

So im trying to break out general stuff everyone woujld need, see if anyone wants to share basic shaders like clip and ray casts and the like, its organized a bit like the netcore 3…1 netstandard 2 but its on net 7 now . , and allow us to touch one Fx file and just buld and runon whatever. No shared folders, conflicts, or bloat and good architecture. Not buldng a game engine but one could easily add physics engines, imaging dlls, and such … as core net6 DLLs… if doing graphics like to MG Gl i think the “bait and switch” still works, it builds content for each EXE and puts it in differrnt folders…

Monogame With Xamarin or Maui (IOS /Android) - #25 by Damian_Eaglestein… I might ad avaloniaUI , aValonia and WPF level edititor type samples to it as well.

sorry its a little bit ofcrazy mess but it would be nice to have som more eyes on this , its jsut the old mg netcore 3 ->netstandard core up to net 6 or 7-> Net6… should just clone and buidl nad run at least on adroid and desktopDX/ or GL on vs 2022 preview and windows …