Sound libraries/plugins for Monogame?


I’m not a fan of external libraries, but since the default sound for Monogame is simply broken (no stereo panning possible) I would like to know how you guys handle sound and what libraries/tools you use

Kind Regards

Could you elaborate on what is broken, and “no stereo”? Stereo is supported.

I should have clarified. Playing stereo sounds is fine, but I cannot use panning to make the sound play on either side. Are there things I have to setup first?

Basically using the pan property does not change anything, regardless how i call/change it (either in the play(…) function or as a property of my SoundEffect).

The other part about soundEffects is that the game is basically in a permanent error loop i suppose when pan/pitch/volume are out of bounds (aka higher than 1), making the game basically unplayable (<1 FPS), but that is no problem since I can clamp the values before calling the play function. Just a note.

Note: I am not on the latest development build - were there any changes recently?
Upgrading brought a myriad of other problems so I settled for

Are you using Audio Listeners, Audio Emitters, NoAudioHardwareExceptions try/catch/finally code blocks?

Also, the more advanced XACT code options aren’t fully implemented as far as I’m aware.

I just use SoundEffect and SoundEffectInstance, are there better ways?

No errors

I’m assuming on Windows? DesktopGL or DirectX? They should definitely work. They have worked in the past. If not, we need to fix it.

DirectX yes, sorry should have mentioned.

I’ve also tried different file formats like .ogg, mp3, wav etc. and compression qualities. Some friends have also reported that they have constant loud scratch noises instead of the default sounds, which is another problem.