What fonts are supported by the Pipeline tool?

Any time I attempt to use any font other than Arial, Pipeline throws an exception. How exactly does this work? Do the fonts just have to be installed on your machine or are they just the same fonts as XNA had?

If you specify a typeface name, the font must be installed on your system. That’s what it does for Windows and Linux. I’m not certain how Mac OS X works yet.

I thought that if you specify a TTF filename, it used that as a relative path to find the TTF file (without needing to install the font, which is much better for larger teams), but looking at the code it doesn’t seem to do that yet. I will add that soon.

Within the FontName element of the spritefont file, I specified a typeface name for a font that is installed on my machine and the Pipeline tool threw an exception saying that it could not find it. Perhaps I am still to new to the Pipeline tool haha. I will try some other fonts or using a TTF file. Thank you for your help good sir!

It seems not all installed fonts work consistently with the Mono Pipeline (on Windows) currently. More posted here: Error building Spritefont with MGCB