2D Ennemies mouvement

Hi guys,

This is my first post. I began my first game long time ago, however, I’m amateur and I’m doing it only for hobby.

I began doing a SpaceInvaders based game, however, now I want add something different like a intelligent Enemy movement, There is some place where I could find different examples of enemies moves to test?

Here my code for Space Invaders movement.

        private static Boolean IsBorderX(int positionX, int limitWidth)
            return (positionX >= limitWidth) || (positionX <= 0);

        private static Boolean IsBorderY(int positionY, int limitHeight)
            return (positionY >= limitHeight);

        public static Vector2 SpaceInvadersMovement(GameTime gameTime, Vector2 _position, ref int _directionX, int limitX, int limitY)

            float time = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            //Center origin position x,y
            if (IsBorderY((int)_position.Y, limitY))
                _position.Y = 0;

            if (IsBorderX((int)_position.X, limitX))
                //Change movement to back (-1) or forward (1) if the Enemi is in the border X
                _directionX *= -1;

            _position.Y += 0.1f;

            Vector2 _position2 = new Vector2(_position.X + _directionX, _position.Y);

            return new Vector2(
                (float)(Math.Sin(time * 5) * 2 + _position2.Y)

and of course I added it in my Update() method of the DrawableGameComponent Enemy class

    public override void Update (GameTime gameTime)
        Position = Common.SpaceInvadersMovement(gameTime, Position, ref _directionX, LimitWidth, LimitHeight);          

Thanks for your help