[ANSWERED] Scrolling a Map Board with A RenderTarget ???

Thanks to Jjagg on this forum I have been able to update my game code successfully using his sample code as a base.

Now my map-board displays correctly. However, I have to rework my scrolling code.

This is where I am somewhat lost on how to go about this. I imagine that I have to select out that portion of the RenderTarget to which the user has just scrolled to. However, how does one go about this?

Thank you for any help provided…


Are you just trying to replicate the Age of Empires mini-map?

Hi Mr. Valentine…

No. I have designed my own map-board based upon 72x72 hexagonal tiles. The base board will comprise of a width of 40 hexago9nal tiles and height of 200.

I believe my problem stems from not having enough knowledge regarding the SpriteBatch.Draw() method, which in some of its overloads will allow for the extraction of segments of a RenderTarget2d hidden map-board object. As a result, scrolling movement can be emulated by using the calculations in the Update() event (which I already have coded) to select out the position of a camera-view in the RenderTarget2D buffer\object.


You could cheat the thing you know…

Simply drawing the map off a camera and drawing the camera to a render target…

Hope that makes sense, about to go to sleep :zzz:

I implemented this in the sample I provided. I don’t draw the whole render target, just the part that is visible. It also allows scrolling using the arrow keys. I use the SpriteBatch.Draw overload that takes a source rectangle which specifies what part of the drawn texture will be rendered to the destination rectangle.

Thank you again, guys…

I’ll have to take a look at your sample code again, Jjagg. I think I was concentrating too much on your mini-map so I probably overlooked what you are describing…



I found the area in your code that defines what I need to do. Thank you once again… :relaxed:

    private Rectangle SourceRect => new Rectangle(
        (int) (_offset.X),
        (int) (_offset.Y),
        (int) (GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth / _zoom),
        (int) (GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight / _zoom));
