Code sharing

Hello all! I made nice game in MonoGame. Now i want to upload it to Google Play Store, App Store etc… but when I will want to update my game, then I will need to update not one project but many.

I heard about PCL, Shared projects, but there are no project template for this.
Can someone please send me template? Or how to setup easy-to-use template from this NuGet package:

On my computer, I have installed latest MonoGame (3.5)

Thanks for any help, and sorry for bad English. :slight_smile:

I answered a similar question before, so I don’t repeat myself here is the link:

If you have any more questions feel free to ask :slight_smile:

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Thanks for link! I will try tomorrow :slight_smile:

You can also check out my video on this subject on my MonoGame channel

Hope this helps.
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Please teach me how :frowning:

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Sorry, I mean tomorrow :slight_smile:

So now it’s today.

SimonDarksideJ thanks for this tutorial! It works well.

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Glad you like it :smiley: