Fullscreen bug with low resolutions

I’m pretty sure this issue is fixed in my branch that I linked above. Hopefully it’ll get merged soon, but it helps if you can verify it and post back.
Link to pull request: https://github.com/MonoGame/MonoGame/pull/5585

To try it out follow these steps:

  1. You’ll need to build MG from source. Steps for that are in the docs: http://www.monogame.net/documentation/?page=Setting_Up_MonoGame_Source
  • Then you’ll need to add my fork as a remote so you can check out the changes. In the MonoGame folder that you cloned in the first step, run git remote add jjagg https://github.com/Jjagg/MonoGame.git.
  • Fetch my windx branch from my fork: git fetch jjagg windx
  • Check out the branch: git checkout jjagg/windx
  • Then build MG like you normally would (make sure to run Protobuild again first) and add a reference to the local MG projects in your game project as mentioned in the docs under ‘Referencing the projects’