Inheiritance and virtual methods.

This is a example for reference. This is so that i can just link to it as a reply to similar questions. Feel free to expand on it as you like.

This is a basic console example.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace InheiritanceAndBaseDerivation
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AnimalLover me = new AnimalLover();
    public class Animal
        public string objectTypesName = "Animal";
        public string noise = "...";
        public virtual string Speak
            get { return noise; }
            set { noise = value; }
        public virtual void Update()
        public virtual void Draw()
            Console.WriteLine(objectTypesName + " " + Speak);
    public class Cat : Animal
        public Cat()
            objectTypesName = "Cat";
            Speak = "Meow";
    public class Dog : Animal
        public Dog()
            objectTypesName = "Dog";
            Speak = "Ruff";
        public override void Draw()
            // because dogs like to speak alot
            Console.WriteLine(objectTypesName + " " + Speak + " " + Speak);
    public class Lizard : Animal
        public Lizard()
            objectTypesName = "Lizard";
    public class AnimalLover
        List<Animal> animals = new List<Animal>();
        public AnimalLover()
            animals.Add(new Animal());
            animals.Add(new Cat());
            animals.Add(new Dog());
            animals.Add(new Lizard());
        public void Update()

        public void Draw()
            foreach (Animal item in animals)

    // Output as follows
    // Animal ...
    // Cat Meow
    // Dog Ruff Ruff
    // Lizard ...