monogame 3.6 I can not add reference to assembly

I’ve installed last version of monogame but I can not add reference to assembly

destructor@babylon-5:~/Завантаження > sudo ./
Verifying archive integrity… All good.
Uncompressing Monogame Pipeline Installer…

  • mono-runtime…[Found]
  • gtk-sharp3…[Found]

Optional Dependencies:

  • MonoDevelop 6…[Found]
  • Rider…[Not Found]
  • referenceassemblies-pcl / mono-pcl…[Found]
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer / mscore-fonts…[Found]

Continue (Y, n): Y
Previous version detected, trying to uninstall…
Installing MonoGame SDK…
Installing MonoDevelop Addin…
Creating launcher items…
gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.
Adding mimetype…
To uninstall MonoGame SDK you can run “monogame-uninstall” from terminal.
destructor@babylon-5:~/Завантаження > monogame-
monogame-pipeline-tool monogame-uninstall

Prolly installed something wrong somewhere linux is sort of annoying with all the commands.

im guessing

  • Rider…[Not Found]

go grab it and install it yourself then reinstall monogame.

I had installed Rider at the moment of installation monogame. But I don’t understand why monogame installer did not find out Rider

It doesn’t matter. Note that Rider is under optional dependencies.

What do you mean you can’t add a reference to the assembly? Where does it go wrong? What IDE are you using?

I use monodevelop 5.10 because it more stable than 6.x on flatpack. On assemblies list monogame is missing

MonoGame is not installed in the GAC (which is that list of assemblies you posted a screenshot of). You can add a reference by browsing to the installation folder and selecting the right dll.

Alternatively you can use NuGet. If you install MD 6 MonoGame will install project templates to create a new game which is easier.

Ha ha. Where is situated this installation folder? I don’t see it near installer file

I think it is at /usr/lib/mono/xbuild/MonoGame/v3.0
It would be nice if the installer mentioned that actually.

Thank you. Issue is closed

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