MonoGame Feature Wishlist

At some point MonoGame will no longer be just XNA. How we make that jump to our own namespaces will be tricky and possibly messy… but it has to happen eventually.

Still hoping to find some one line change we can do to have the C# compiler know Microsft.Framework.XNA means MonoGame.Framework.

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It’s only under consideration for the 4.0 release, and we have to take into account that there are still devs using XNA today and sharing the code with MonoGame projects. I believe that one of the reasons MonoGame has succeeded where other XNA implementations fell by the wayside was that we used the Microsoft namespace. If Miguel de Icaza had decided to use a Mono namespace in the Mono implementation of the .NET Framework, I don’t think it would still be around today.

So changing the namespace is a large change, and could potentially alienate some devs, so it is not something we will do without lots of careful thought about all the potential issues it could raise.

Couldn’t we just have a compiler statement like

#if MG
namespace MonoGame
# else
namespace Microsoft.Xna
# endif

That way we can choose the framework we want to work with.

That might work for your project, but we’re not going to ask everyone to do that in every source file in their project. And not all cases can be handled with a simple conditional compile statement like that.

If anyone wants to talk about the namespace rename further lets take that to the existing issue on GitHub:

Type forwarding might be able to help us with the namespace change. We can just forward the old MS types to the new MG ones.

I hesitate between
New networking APIs with support for Steam/GameCenter/GooglePlay/etc.
Automatic live reloading of content in running game
Concerning the second one, did you mean something like datastreaming possibility as well with some threadsafe methods and members ? If so i choose this one.

Just a thought maybe you can get some ideas from were XNA 5.0 would be heading.
If it had been made for c# instead of c++ and one up them.

the dx toolkit its walbourn and hargreaves at it again

It might be a great place to look to find a starting point for hull shaders and such.

New networking APIs with support for Steam/GameCenter/GooglePlay/etc.

Shader compiling for OSX and Linux
We’re starving over here :frowning:

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For now you you can compile shaders on a remote windows server using a content pipeline extension that @dellis1972 wrote (link). He has a server set up for this that you can use, which is pretty awesome :smiley: Thanks dellis!

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Not something I specifically would like, but notice some start in the source repo.

Support for ComputeShader?

I did not find any information on this topic, which leads me to believe it is not currently supported.

Which would be a shame since every modern renderer uses it in one way or another, for me it would be important for light culling for tiled/clustered rendering.

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It would be nice to have a .Net Core nuget package.

And the possebility to install monogame only using nuget, not the installer. Currently, as far as I know, you can’t build content without the installed version.

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You can build the pipeline tool from source if you want.

What has blocked us there in the past is getting a solution we could use cross-platform. There just isn’t general purpose solution that works on all our target platforms including consoles.

Our solution so far has been to encourage people to use 3rd party compute solutions and let them deal with the complexities of supporting their target platforms. For example if DirectX is all you care about you can use the features already in SharpDX to support compute.

Really until we fully resolve our shader issues with OpenGL I don’t see myself thinking about the compute side of things.

Support for Microsoft® HoloLens®:

  • Microsoft® HoloLens® Project Template for Visual Studio®
  • Extensions to the MonoGame API (only few required)


The MonoGame UWP Template works with Hololense already. I tried it :slightly_smiling:

All UWP apps work with HoloLens® as a 2D projection.
However, if you managed to get it running as a full screen holographic app, then let me know how you managed to do that with MonoGame.


UI would be nice. The only options right now is outdated Xna frameworks, EmptyKeys which is crazy complex (for me anyway) or rolling out your own. A built in UI framework would be so nice, especially for us new to game development.

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