Setting up touch controls for Android project

hey, I’m currently working on a port for a windows game to Android, I have been managing okej so far and most of the things have been dealt whit but I’m having trouble understanding if I check for inputs on a touch device.
the game only needs to know if the user has taped anywhere on the screen.
I have been reading for hours but I can’t seem to find a good answer.

was working on this just the other day. below api should be just about all you need. returns a TouchCollection which is iterable and has a position for each finger touching the screen, you can use this point to check for swipes, collision test against a point on screen for touching buttons etc.

touchState = TouchPanel.GetState();

once i have the current state, how do i check if its a press or not? do i use the .Contains and if so how?

yes exactly, use Rectangle.Contains(point)

here’s a function I think I found on these forums originally. The more complex part for me was calculating the bounding rectangle, but depending on your project this is probably quite easy (I had to navigate a scene graph to calculate bounds, but in a simpler case just give it whatever box your sprite uses for drawing)

    private bool CheckTouch(Rectangle target, TouchCollection touchCollection)
        if (touchCollection.Count > 0)
            foreach (var touch in touchCollection)
                if (target.Contains(touch.Position))
                    return true;
        return false;