Something wrong with MonoGame Addin v3.3,0?

I’m using MonoGame on both OSX and linux using Xamarin and MonoDevelop, and today both updated MonoGame Addin to v3.30. and know I’m facing two problems.

  1. If I try to create a Mac Application there are two options: MonoMac and Xamarin.Mac and when I try to debbug both show something about an error in line ‘namespace’ 1 in the Main.cs file [this happens even with an unmodified template].

  2. There’s no templates at all in Linux [Arch] to begin with, I know there used to be a Linux template but now is gone, there are only ‘Share Project’, ‘Portable Library’, ‘Pipeline Library’ and ‘Application(Open LG)’.

Is there something wrong with this update, or am I doing something worng?