SpriteFont to .Cs Writer

The following class lets you pass a Content loaded spritefont instance to its constructor to deconstruct it. Then call Write and pass it a full file path without a extension though.

The output is a text file with a .cs extension that can be loaded as a class file into a new monogame project that is basically a hardcoded instance of a spritefont.

This could be useful as a small default spritefont which doesn’t need to be loaded from the pipeline such that it could be included in your common utility’s or engine that is just automatically there.

Edit took out my path write methods…

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

namespace SpriteFontEditToClassSomethingOrOther

    public class SpriteFontManipulator
        /// <summary>
        /// This holds the deconstructed sprite font data including a pixel color array.
        /// </summary>
        public SpriteFontData spriteFontData;
        private SpriteFont spriteFont;
        private SpriteFontToClassFileEncoderDecoder spriteFontToClassWriter = new SpriteFontToClassFileEncoderDecoder();

        /// <summary>
        /// Give this a sprite font to deconstruct it to data.
        /// </summary>
        public SpriteFontManipulator(SpriteFont spriteFont)
            this.spriteFont = spriteFont; // how to handle disposing the fonts texture in this particular case im not sure.
            spriteFontData = new SpriteFontData();

        /// <summary>
        /// Call this to write the font the file will be saved to the full path file
        /// This writes the file as a cs text file that can be loaded by another project as a actual c sharp class file into visual studio.
        /// When that generated class is instantiated and load is called on it, it then returns a hardcoded spritefont.
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteFileAsCs(string fullFilePath)
            spriteFontToClassWriter.WriteFile(fullFilePath, spriteFontData);

        // Deconstructs a spritefont.
        private void DeConstruct(SpriteFontData spriteFontData)
            spriteFontData.fontTexture = spriteFont.Texture;
            spriteFontData.lineHeightSpaceing = spriteFont.LineSpacing;
            spriteFontData.spaceing = spriteFont.Spacing;
            spriteFontData.dgyphs = spriteFont.GetGlyphs();
            spriteFontData.defaultglyph = new SpriteFont.Glyph();
            if (spriteFont.DefaultCharacter.HasValue)
                spriteFontData.defaultchar = (char)(spriteFont.DefaultCharacter.Value);
                spriteFontData.defaultglyph = spriteFontData.dgyphs[spriteFontData.defaultchar];
                // we could create a default value from like a pixel in the sprite font and add the glyph.
            foreach (var item in spriteFontData.dgyphs)
                spriteFontData.glyphKernings.Add(new Vector3(item.Value.LeftSideBearing, item.Value.Width, item.Value.RightSideBearing));
            spriteFontData.numberOfGlyphs = spriteFontData.glyphCharacters.Count;

            spriteFontData.width = spriteFont.Texture.Width;
            spriteFontData.height = spriteFont.Texture.Height;

            Color[] colorarray = new Color[spriteFont.Texture.Width * spriteFont.Texture.Height];
            spriteFont.Texture.GetData<Color>(colorarray); //,0, width* height
            List<Color> pixels = new List<Color>();
            foreach (var c in colorarray)
            spriteFontData.pixelColorData = pixels;

        /// <summary>
        /// Holds the sprite fonts data including the pixel data.
        /// </summary>
        public class SpriteFontData
            public Texture2D fontTexture;
            public List<Color> pixelColorData;
            public int width;
            public int height;

            public int numberOfGlyphs = 0;
            public Dictionary<char, SpriteFont.Glyph> dgyphs;
            public SpriteFont.Glyph defaultglyph;
            public float spaceing = 0;
            public int lineHeightSpaceing = 0;
            public char defaultchar = '*';
            public List<Rectangle> glyphBounds = new List<Rectangle>();
            public List<Rectangle> glyphCroppings = new List<Rectangle>();
            public List<char> glyphCharacters = new List<char>();
            public List<Vector3> glyphKernings = new List<Vector3>(); // left width right and side bering

        /// <summary>
        /// Encoding and Decoding methods however the decoder is placed within the output class file.
        /// This allows the output class to be decoupled from the pipeline or even a ttf.
        /// This class doesn't have to be called unless you wish to do editing on a spriteFontData Instance.
        /// Then rewrite the encoded data to file later at a time of your own choosing
        /// </summary>
        public class SpriteFontToClassFileEncoderDecoder
            StringBuilder theCsText = new StringBuilder();
            public List<byte> rleEncodedByteData = new List<byte>();
            public int width = 0;
            public int height = 0;

            // this is just a spacing thing to show the data a bit easier on the eyes.
            int dividerAmount = 10;
            int dividerCharSingleValueAmount = 50;
            int dividerSingleValueAmount = 200;
            private int pixels = 0;
            private int bytestallyed = 0;
            private int bytedataCount = 0;

            public void WriteFile(string fullFilePath, SpriteFontData sfData)
                var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullFilePath);
                var colordata = sfData.pixelColorData;
                width = sfData.width;
                height = sfData.height;
                rleEncodedByteData = EncodeColorArrayToDataRLE(colordata, sfData.width, sfData.height);

                var charsAsString = CharArrayToStringClassFormat("chars", sfData.glyphCharacters.ToArray());
                var boundsAsString = RectangleToStringClassFormat("bounds", sfData.glyphBounds.ToArray());
                var croppingsAsString = RectangleToStringClassFormat("croppings", sfData.glyphCroppings.ToArray());
                var kerningsAsString = Vector3ToStringClassFormat("kernings", sfData.glyphKernings.ToArray());
                var rleDataAsString = ByteArrayToStringClassFormat("rleByteData", rleEncodedByteData.ToArray());

                    "\n//" +
                    "\n// This file is programatically generated this class is hard coded instance data for a instance of a spritefont." +
                    "\n// Use the LoadHardCodeSpriteFont to load it." +
                    "\n// Be aware i believe you should dispose its texture in game1 unload as this won't have been loaded thru the content manager." +
                    "\n//" +

                    .Append("\n using System;")
                    .Append("\n using System.Text;")
                    .Append("\n using System.Collections.Generic;")
                    .Append("\n using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;")
                    .Append("\n using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;")
                    .Append("\n using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;")
                    .Append("\n namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework")
                    .Append("\n {")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n  public class SpriteFontAsClassFile_").Append(filename)
                    .Append("\n  {")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n  int width=").Append(width).Append(";")
                    .Append("\n  int height=").Append(height).Append(";")
                    .Append("\n  char defaultChar =  Char.Parse(\"").Append(sfData.defaultchar).Append("\");")
                    .Append("\n  int lineHeightSpaceing =").Append(sfData.lineHeightSpaceing).Append(";")
                    .Append("\n  float spaceing =").Append(sfData.spaceing).Append(";")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n   public SpriteFont LoadHardCodeSpriteFont(GraphicsDevice device)")
                    .Append("\n   {")
                    .Append("\n       Texture2D t = DecodeToTexture(device, rleByteData, width, height);")
                    .Append("\n       return new SpriteFont(t, bounds, croppings, chars, lineHeightSpaceing, spaceing, kernings, defaultChar);")
                    .Append("\n   }")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n   private Texture2D DecodeToTexture(GraphicsDevice device, List<byte> rleByteData, int _width, int _height)")
                    .Append("\n   {")
                    .Append("\n       Color[] colData = DecodeDataRLE(rleByteData);")
                    .Append("\n       Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(device, _width, _height);")
                    .Append("\n       tex.SetData<Color>(colData);")
                    .Append("\n       return tex;")
                    .Append("\n   }")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n   private Color[] DecodeDataRLE(List<byte> rleByteData)")
                    .Append("\n   {")
                    .Append("\n       List <Color> colAry = new List<Color>();")
                    .Append("\n       for (int i = 0; i < rleByteData.Count; i++)")
                    .Append("\n       {")
                    .Append("\n           var val = (rleByteData[i] & 0x7F) * 2;")
                    .Append("\n           if (val > 252)")
                    .Append("\n               val = 255;")
                    .Append("\n           Color color = new Color();")
                    .Append("\n           if (val > 0)")
                    .Append("\n               color = new Color(val, val, val, val);")
                    .Append("\n           if ((rleByteData[i] & 0x80) > 0)")
                    .Append("\n           {")
                    .Append("\n               var runlen = rleByteData[i + 1];")
                    .Append("\n               for (int j = 0; j < runlen; j++)")
                    .Append("\n                   colAry.Add(color);")
                    .Append("\n               i += 1;")
                    .Append("\n           }")
                    .Append("\n           colAry.Add(color);")
                    .Append("\n       }")
                    .Append("\n       return colAry.ToArray();")
                    .Append("\n   }")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n     ").Append(charsAsString)
                    .Append("\n     ").Append(boundsAsString)
                    .Append("\n     ").Append(croppingsAsString)
                    .Append("\n     ").Append(kerningsAsString)
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n       // pixelsCompressed: ").Append(pixels).Append(" bytesTallied: ").Append(bytestallyed).Append(" byteDataCount: ").Append(bytedataCount)
                    .Append("\n     ").Append(rleDataAsString)
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n  }")
                    .Append("\n ")
                    .Append("\n }") // end of namespace
                    .Append("\n ").Append(" ")

                //MgPathFolderFileOps.WriteStringToFile(fullFilePath, theCsText.ToString());
                File.WriteAllText(fullFilePath, theCsText.ToString());

            public string CharArrayToStringClassFormat(string variableName, char[] c)
                string s =
                    "\n        // Item count = " + c.Length +
                    "\n        List <char> " + variableName + " = new List<char> " +
                    "\n        {" +
                    "\n        "
                int divider = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
                    if (divider > dividerCharSingleValueAmount)
                        divider = 0;
                        s += "\n        ";
                    //s += $"new char(\"{c[i]})\"";
                    s += "(char)" + (int)c[i] + "";
                    if (i < c.Length - 1)
                        s += ",";
                s += "\n        };";
                return s;
            public string RectangleToStringClassFormat(string variableName, Rectangle[] r)
                string s =
                    "\n        List < Rectangle > " + variableName + " = new List<Rectangle>" +
                    "\n        {" +
                    "\n        "
                int divider = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)
                    if (divider > dividerAmount)
                        divider = 0;
                        s += "\n        ";
                    s += $"new Rectangle({r[i].X},{r[i].Y},{r[i].Width},{r[i].Height})";
                    if (i < r.Length - 1)
                        s += ",";
                s += "\n        };";
                return s;
            public string Vector3ToStringClassFormat(string variableName, Vector3[] v)
                string s =
                    "\n        List<Vector3> " + variableName + " = new List<Vector3>" +
                    "\n        {" +
                    "\n        "
                int divider = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++)
                    if (divider > dividerAmount)
                        divider = 0;
                        s += "\n        ";
                    s += $"new Vector3({v[i].X},{v[i].Y},{v[i].Z})";
                    if (i < v.Length - 1)
                        s += ",";
                s += "\n        };";
                return s;
            public string ByteArrayToStringClassFormat(string variableName, byte[] b)
                string s =
                    "\n        List<byte> " + variableName + " = new List<byte>" +
                    "\n        {" +
                    "\n        "
                int divider = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
                    if (divider > dividerSingleValueAmount)
                        divider = 0;
                        s += "\n        ";
                    s += b[i];
                    if (i < b.Length - 1)
                        s += ",";
                s += "\n        };";
                return s;

            /// <summary>
            /// Turns the pixel data into run length encode text for a cs file.
            /// Technically this is only compressing the alpha byte of a array.
            /// I could pull out my old bit ziping algorithm but that is probably overkill.
            /// </summary>
            public List<byte> EncodeColorArrayToDataRLE(List<Color> colorArray, int pkdcolaryWidth, int pkdcolaryHeight)
                List<byte> rleAry = new List<byte>();
                int colaryIndex = 0;
                int colaryLen = colorArray.Count;
                int templen = pkdcolaryWidth * pkdcolaryHeight;

                int pixelsAccountedFor = 0;

                while (colaryIndex < colaryLen)
                    var colorMasked = (colorArray[colaryIndex].A / 2);  //(pkdcolAry[colaryIndex].A & 0xFE);
                    var encodedValue = colorMasked;
                    var runLength = 0;

                    // find the run length for this pixel.
                    for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++)
                        var indiceToTest = colaryIndex + i;
                        if (indiceToTest < colaryLen)
                            var testColorMasked = (colorArray[indiceToTest].A / 2); //(pkdcolAry[indiceToTest].A & 0xFE);
                            if (testColorMasked == colorMasked)
                                runLength = i;
                                i = 256; // break on diff
                            i = 256; // break on maximum run length
                    Console.WriteLine("colaryIndex: " + colaryIndex + "  rleAry index " + rleAry.Count + "  Alpha: " + colorMasked * 2 + "  runLength: " + runLength);

                    if (runLength > 0)
                        encodedValue += 0x80;
                        if (colaryIndex < colaryLen)
                            pixelsAccountedFor += 1 + runLength;
                            throw new Exception("bug check index write out of bounds");
                        colaryIndex = colaryIndex + 1 + runLength;
                        if (colaryIndex < colaryLen)
                            pixelsAccountedFor += 1;
                            throw new Exception("Encoding bug check index write out of bounds");
                        colaryIndex = colaryIndex + 1;
                pixels = pixelsAccountedFor;
                bytestallyed = pixelsAccountedFor * 4;
                bytedataCount = rleAry.Count;
                Console.WriteLine("EncodeColorArrayToDataRLE: rleAry.Count " + rleAry.Count + " pixels accounted for " + pixelsAccountedFor + " bytes tallied " + pixelsAccountedFor * 4);
                return rleAry;

            /// <summary>
            /// This decodes the cs files hard coded rle pixel data to a texture.
            /// </summary>
            public Texture2D DecodeRleDataToTexture(GraphicsDevice device, List<byte> rleByteData, int _width, int _height)
                Color[] colData = DecodeRleDataToPixelData(rleByteData);
                Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(device, _width, _height);
                return tex;
            /// <summary>
            /// Decodes the class file hardcoded rle byte data to a color array.
            /// </summary>
            private Color[] DecodeRleDataToPixelData(List<byte> rleByteData)
                List<Color> colAry = new List<Color>();
                for (int i = 0; i < rleByteData.Count; i++)
                    var val = (rleByteData[i] & 0x7F) * 2;
                    if (val > 252)
                        val = 255;
                    Color color = new Color();
                    if (val > 0)
                        color = new Color(val, val, val, val);
                    if ((rleByteData[i] & 0x80) > 0)
                        var runlen = rleByteData[i + 1];
                        for (int j = 0; j < runlen; j++)
                        i += 1;
                return colAry.ToArray();

It’s possible to edit the deconstructed spritefont information as well or make a editor that works on the SpriteFontData instance. However this wont turn a spritefont into a actual ttf or anything like that.

Here is a example
The below post shows the result of using the above SpriteFontManipulator class to write the basic char set of the tahoma font to a class file that will recreate that spritefont from itself.

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