Value Display Shader Functions, display shader values directly from the pixel shader.

Previously i have sort of ad hock displayed colors or points on the shader to sort of visualize values of things. However i was thinking the other day why not just actually print the values from a shader function.

So i thought hey i have practically done this already with my stringbuilder wrapper if i can just translate it to a shader this would be pretty cool. So for the last couple days i worked on it and success.

Now their are pro’s and cons it works and i think its damn cool for when you don’t know whats happening with the values in a shader matrix or what not. I got the negative signs and decimals to print as well.

Since these are actually just shader functions you just need to add the functions to any other shader in the same order then your pixel shader can call them,

You can just print a value in the shader with a function call like so.

    float4 PsShaderDebugDraw(float4 position : SV_Position, float4 color : COLOR0, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0


    // Display the mouse x value.
    float valuetotest = ForceLocation.x; 
    currentColor = FuncDrawValue(valuetotest, curpixel, currentColor, TextPosition, lineSize, lineColorWhite);
    // Display the mouse y value.
    float valuetotest2 = ForceLocation.y;
    currentColor = FuncDrawValue(valuetotest2, curpixel, currentColor, TextPosition + float2(250.0f, -1.0f), lineSize, lineColorWhite);

    // since sprite batch flips the y value in the shader the y goes from bottom to top for positive values.
    return currentColor;

The cons are the shader takes a while to compile because its complex with a big 10 digit branch that i simply saw no way around but to use it. I just made it so it’s not tested other then as you see in the picture below it works.

The text is just line drawn characters.


GitHub Project MonoGameValueDisplayShader.

So in the below image no font is loaded and were displaying the mouse positions from within it.

// 2D Debug shader.
// 2d Refraction shader.
//  ps_4_0_level_9_1
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_3_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_3_0
#define VS_SHADERMODEL vs_4_0
#define PS_SHADERMODEL ps_4_0

// Requisite variable and texture samplers

// This vector should be in motion in order to achieve the desired effect.
float2 DisplacementLookupScrollOffset;
float2 ForceDirectionNormal;
float2 ForceLocation;
float SampleWavelength;
float Frequency; //
float2 TextPosition;
//float ForceDistance;
//float AngularRangeDegrees;
//float CycleTime;
//float IntegerStep;
//float2 ViewportSize;
//float2 TextureSize;

Texture2D Texture : register(t0);
sampler TextureSampler : register(s0)
    Texture = (Texture);

Texture2D DisplacementTexture;
sampler2D DisplacementSampler = sampler_state
    magfilter = linear;
    minfilter = linear;
    AddressU = Wrap;
    AddressV = Wrap;
    Texture = <DisplacementTexture>;

// Requisite functions.

// function reflect map pixel grabber my version
float4 FuncRefractMapColor(float4 color, float2 texCoord)
    texCoord += (tex2D(DisplacementSampler, texCoord * SampleWavelength + DisplacementLookupScrollOffset).xy - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * Frequency;
    return tex2D(TextureSampler, texCoord) * color;

// function monochrome
float4 FuncMonoChrome(float4 col)
    col.rgb = (col.r + col.g + col.b) / 3.0f;
    return col;

// standard.
float GlMod(float x, float y)
    return x - y * trunc(x / y);
float DxMod(float x, float y)
    return x - y * floor(x / y);

float ToRadians(float degrees)
    return degrees * 0.01745329f;
float ToDegrees(float radians)
    return radians * 57.2957795;

float2 LeftCross2D(float2 a)
    return float2(-a.y, +a.x);

float2 LeftCross2D(float2 start, float2 end)
    float2 c = end - start;
    return float2(-c.y + start.x, +c.x + start.y);

// functions relating to drawing in the shader.

//  --- testing
int GetDecimalDigit(float value, float whichDigit)
    float val1 = floor(value);
    float place = pow(10.0f, whichDigit -1.0f);
    int decimalval = abs(( (int)val1 % (place * 10)) / place);
    //int asciicharval = decimalval + 48; // only need this for the switch(,,) if i want the full ascii character range.
    return decimalval;

//---  directly draw lines on the shader.
// boils it down basically to a boolean variable 1.0f is true 0.0f is false.
float4 DrawLine(float2 curpixel, float4 currentColor, float2 a, float2 b, float lineThickness, float4 linecolor)
    float2 p = curpixel;
    float t = lineThickness;
    float2 c = b - a;
    float2 n = normalize(float2(-c.y, +c.x)); // normalized cross ab
    float2 i = -(n * dot(n, p - a) * 2.0f); // inflected perp normal
    float dist2line = 1.0f - saturate((i.x * i.x + i.y * i.y) / (t * t)); // distance of point to line.
    float isinbounds = saturate(sign(dot(a - p, a - b) * dot(b - p, b - a) + 0.001f)); // + 0.0001f  determine point is within segment.
    float strength = dist2line * isinbounds;
    return lerp(currentColor, linecolor, strength);

//---  directly draw circles on the shader.
// boils it down basically to a boolean variable 1.0f is true 0.0f is false.
float4 DrawCircleAtRadius(float2 curpixel, float4 currentColor, float2 testpos, float radius, float lineSize, float4 linecolor)
    float strength = (1.0f - saturate(abs(distance(curpixel, testpos) - (radius - lineSize / 2)) / (lineSize / 2)));
    return lerp(currentColor, linecolor, strength);

//---  directly draw points on the shader.
// boils it down basically to a boolean variable 1.0f is true 0.0f is false.
float4 DrawPoint(float2 curpixel, float4 currentColor, float2 testpos, float range, float4 linecolor)
    float2 dif = curpixel - testpos;
    float strength = 1.0f - saturate((dif.x * dif.x + dif.y * dif.y) / (range * range));
    return lerp(currentColor, linecolor, strength * strength);

// helper function for the primary number draw function.
float4 FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(float charValueToDisplay, float2 curpixel, float4 currentColor, float2 drawToPosition, float lineThickness, float4 lineColor)
    float x = 8.0f;
    float y = 8.0f;
    // if using a regular effect this is right side up.
    //float2 TL = float2(x * 0.0f, y * 0.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 TM = float2(x * 1.0f, y * 0.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 TR = float2(x * 2.0f, y * 0.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 ML = float2(x * 0.0f, y * 1.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 MM = float2(x * 1.0f, y * 1.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 MR = float2(x * 2.0f, y * 1.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 BL = float2(x * 0.0f, y * 2.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 BM = float2(x * 1.0f, y * 2.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    //float2 BR = float2(x * 2.0f, y * 2.0f)+ drawToPosition;
    // reversed for spritebatches Y flip.
    float2 BL = float2(x * 0.0f, y * 0.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 BM = float2(x * 1.0f, y * 0.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 BR = float2(x * 2.0f, y * 0.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 ML = float2(x * 0.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 MM = float2(x * 1.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 MR = float2(x * 2.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 TL = float2(x * 0.0f, y * 2.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 TM = float2(x * 1.0f, y * 2.0f) + drawToPosition;
    float2 TR = float2(x * 2.0f, y * 2.0f) + drawToPosition;
    switch (charValueToDisplay)
        case 0: // draw a 0 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, TR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BR, BL, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BL, TL, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 1: // draw a 1 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TM, BM, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 2: // draw a 2 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, TR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, MR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, MR, ML, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, ML, BL, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BL, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 3: // draw a 3 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, TR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BL, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, MR, MM, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 4: // draw a 4 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, ML, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, ML, MR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);

        case 5: // draw a 5 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, TL, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, ML, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, ML, MR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, MR, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BR, BL, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 6: // draw a 6 character   ToDo just make a exact circle for the bottom of the six
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, ML, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, ML, BL, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BL, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BR, MR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, MR, ML, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 7: // draw a 7 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, TR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, BL, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 8: // draw a 8 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, TR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, ML, MR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, BL, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, BL, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
        case 9: // draw a 9 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, TR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, ML, MR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TL, ML, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, TR, BR, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawPoint(curpixel, currentColor, drawToPosition + MM, 3.0f, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
    return currentColor;

//---  directly draw a shader float value as characters on the shader.
// boils it down basically to a boolean variable 1.0f is true 0.0f is false.
float4 FuncDrawValue(float valueToDisplay, float2 curpixel, float4 currentColor, float2 drawToPosition, float lineThickness, float4 lineColor)
    float distbetweenchars = 22.0f;
    float x = 8.0f;
    float y = 8.0f;
    float signDraw = saturate(sign(valueToDisplay) + 1.0f);
    switch (signDraw)
        case 0: // draw a 0 character
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, float2(x * 0.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition, float2(x * 2.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, float2(x * 0.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition, float2(x * 2.0f, y * 1.0f) + drawToPosition, lineThickness, lineColor);
                currentColor = DrawLine(curpixel, currentColor, float2(x * 1.0f, y * 2.0f) + drawToPosition, float2(x * 1.0f, y * 0.0f) + drawToPosition, lineThickness, lineColor);
    // character or digit draw positions.
    float shiftedValue = trunc(abs(valueToDisplay *= 1000.0f));

    // drawing location offsets.
    float2 digit1DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 7.2f, 0.0f);
    float2 digit2DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 6.2f, 0.0f);
    float2 digit3DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 5.2f, 0.0f);
    float2 decimalPointDrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 4.95f, y * 0.0f);
    float2 digit4DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 4.0f, 0.0f);
    float2 digit5DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 3.0f, 0.0f);
    float2 digit6DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 2.0f, 0.0f);
    float2 digit7DrawLocation = drawToPosition + float2(distbetweenchars * 1.0f, 0.0f);
    // get digit from value.
    int switchVal1 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 1);
    int switchVal2 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 2);
    int switchVal3 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 3);
    // the decimal point goes here.
    int switchVal4 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 4);
    int switchVal5 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 5);
    int switchVal6 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 6);
    int switchVal7 = GetDecimalDigit(shiftedValue, 7);
    // draw digit at position.
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal1, curpixel, currentColor, digit1DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal2, curpixel, currentColor, digit2DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal3, curpixel, currentColor, digit3DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    currentColor = DrawPoint(curpixel, currentColor, decimalPointDrawLocation, 4.0f, lineColor);
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal4, curpixel, currentColor, digit4DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal5, curpixel, currentColor, digit5DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal6, curpixel, currentColor, digit6DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    currentColor = FuncDrawDigitAtPosition(switchVal7, curpixel, currentColor, digit7DrawLocation, lineThickness, lineColor);
    return currentColor;

// Requisite Shaders.

//// (Tech) PsShaderDebugDraw  
//// Outputs lines points hollow circles and numerical values as text.
float4 PsShaderDebugDraw(float4 position : SV_Position, float4 color : COLOR0, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
    //  points distances and variable positions.
    float4 currentColor = tex2D(TextureSampler, texCoord) * color * float4(0.99f, 0.79f, 0.79f, 1.00f);
    float2 curpixel = position;
    float2 p = position; // current pixel position.
    float2 a = float2(200.0f, 400.0f);
    float2 b = float2(300.0f, 400.0f);
    float2 c = ForceLocation; // for now this is were the mouse is.
    float2 d = LeftCross2D(a, c);
    float2 m = ((c - b) * 0.5f + b);

    float lineSize = 3.0f;
    float pointSize = 20.0f;
    float4 lineColor = float4(0.99f, 0.79f, 0.79f, 1.0f); // default is whitish red;
    float4 lineColorRed = float4(0.99f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.0f);
    float4 lineColorGreen = float4(0.00f, 0.99f, 0.00f, 1.0f);
    float4 lineColorBlue = float4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.99f, 1.0f);
    float4 lineColorWhite = float4(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f, 1.0f);
    float4 lineColorBlack = float4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.0f);
    float4 lineColorAqua = float4(0.00f, 0.99f, 0.99f, 1.0f);
    float4 lineColorYellow = float4(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.00f, 1.0f);

    // display circular radius about midpoint m.
    currentColor = DrawCircleAtRadius(p, currentColor, m, length(c - b) * 0.5f, 3.0f, lineColorYellow);

    // draw the lines.
    currentColor = DrawLine(position.xy, currentColor, b, a, lineSize, lineColorRed);
    currentColor = DrawLine(position.xy, currentColor, c, b, lineSize, lineColorGreen);
    currentColor = DrawLine(position.xy, currentColor, a, c, lineSize, lineColorBlue);
    currentColor = DrawLine(position.xy, currentColor, d, a, 2.0f, lineColorAqua);

    //// draw the points a b c d.
    currentColor = DrawPoint(p, currentColor, a, pointSize, lineColorRed);
    currentColor = DrawPoint(p, currentColor, b, pointSize, lineColorGreen);
    currentColor = DrawPoint(p, currentColor, c, pointSize, lineColorBlue);
    currentColor = DrawPoint(p, currentColor, d, pointSize, lineColorAqua);

    // Display the mouse x value.
    float valuetotest = ForceLocation.x; 
    currentColor = FuncDrawValue(valuetotest, curpixel, currentColor, TextPosition, lineSize, lineColorWhite);
    // Display the mouse y value.
    float valuetotest2 = ForceLocation.y;
    currentColor = FuncDrawValue(valuetotest2, curpixel, currentColor, TextPosition + float2(250.0f, -2.0f), lineSize, lineColorWhite);

    // since sprite batch flips the y value in the shader the y goes from bottom to top for positive values.
    return currentColor;

// (Tech)  refraction map shader mine

float4 PsRefractionMap(float4 position : SV_Position, float4 color : COLOR0, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
    float4 col = FuncRefractMapColor(color, texCoord.rg);
    return col;

// Requisite Techniques.

technique ShaderDebugDraw
    pass Pass0
        PixelShader = compile PS_SHADERMODEL

technique RefractionMap
    pass Pass0
        PixelShader = compile PS_SHADERMODEL


One of the things I hated about pixwin was that it allowed you to single step shaders, but it was emulated in a virtual GPU.

So often the values you saw in pixwin were not the same as you got in the real shader.

Also it didn’t impose the same restrictions as you had in the real GPU.

I spent days trying to figure out why one shader wasn’t working. Worked perfectly in pixwin.

I eventually realised one of the textures was floating point and that wasn’t allowed.

Cool work, thanks.