VS 2017 reports the MonoGame content builder executable could not be located


I just installed VS 2017 4.6.01586. Then I installed MonoGame 3.6 for VisualStudio (with 2015 and VS 2017 options selected). When I tried to build my game (originally created from VS 2015) in VS 2017 it reports the following error:

The MonoGame content builder executable could not be located at ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\Tools\MGCB.exe’!

I checked and there in no folder “MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0” in “'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community”.

The game can build in VS 2015 works without any problems.



Another user mentioned simply copying the folders from the 2015 folder to the 2017 folder…


There are plans for a 3.6.1 release to include VS17 templates as it is now officially released.


Thanks, that worked but now returns with a similar error as in http://community.monogame.net/t/build-error-with-monogame-template/8842

I think I’ll just wait for the official 3.6.1 release.

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