XNA 3D Particle Sample conversion to Monogame 3 help

Hi, Iv been trying to get the Particle3DSample from XNA to work in Monogame.
Found the “Custom effect: unable to compile 3D Particle Sample effect” thread which helped me compile an .mgfxo file from the .fx using 2MGFX.exe, but I’m getting an error message when trying to build the project.

Error Message:
An error occurred while preparing to draw. This is probably because the current vertex declaration does not include all the elements required by the current vertex shader. The current vertex declaration includes these elements: SV_Position0, SV_Position1, NORMAL0, COLOR0, TEXCOORD0.

Thought maybe that as the error identifies SV_Position0 & SV_Position1 that I could change the shader references ‘POSITION0’ & ‘POSITION1’ to ‘SV_Position0’ & ‘SV_Position1’ but this results in not being able to compile the shader as I get the error:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0\Tools\ParticleEffect.fx(58,23): error X4502: invalid input semantic ‘SV_Position1’: Legal indices are in [0,0]

I’m stuck now and don’t know what the correct semantics of the effect file should be.
Has anyone got this to work and can point me in the right direction?
Also the only file I have changed from the original example project is the fx

My modified ParticleEffect.fx

// ParticleEffect.fx
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

// Camera parameters.
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;
float2 ViewportScale;

// The current time, in seconds.
float CurrentTime;

// Parameters describing how the particles animate.
float Duration;
float DurationRandomness;
float3 Gravity;
float EndVelocity;
float4 MinColor;
float4 MaxColor;

// These float2 parameters describe the min and max of a range.
// The actual value is chosen differently for each particle,
// interpolating between x and y by some random amount.
float2 RotateSpeed;
float2 StartSize;
float2 EndSize;

// Particle texture and sampler.
texture Texture;

sampler SamState = sampler_state
    Texture = <Texture>;
    MinFilter = Linear;
    MagFilter = Linear;
    MipFilter = Point;
    AddressU = Clamp;
    AddressV = Clamp;

// Vertex shader input structure describes the start position and
// velocity of the particle, and the time at which it was created,
// along with some random values that affect its size and rotation.
struct VertexShaderInput
    float2 Corner : POSITION0;
    float3 Position : POSITION1;
    float3 Velocity : NORMAL0;
    float4 Random : COLOR0;
    float Time : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex shader output structure specifies the position and color of the particle.
struct VertexShaderOutput
    float4 Position : POSITION0;
    float4 Color : COLOR0;
    float2 TextureCoordinate : COLOR1;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the position of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticlePosition(float3 position, float3 velocity,
                               float age, float normalizedAge)
    float startVelocity = length(velocity);

    // Work out how fast the particle should be moving at the end of its life,
    // by applying a constant scaling factor to its starting velocity.
    float endVelocity = startVelocity * EndVelocity;
    // Our particles have constant acceleration, so given a starting velocity
    // S and ending velocity E, at time T their velocity should be S + (E-S)*T.
    // The particle position is the sum of this velocity over the range 0 to T.
    // To compute the position directly, we must integrate the velocity
    // equation. Integrating S + (E-S)*T for T produces S*T + (E-S)*T*T/2.

    float velocityIntegral = startVelocity * normalizedAge +
                             (endVelocity - startVelocity) * normalizedAge *
                                                             normalizedAge / 2;
    position += normalize(velocity) * velocityIntegral * Duration;
    // Apply the gravitational force.
    position += Gravity * age * normalizedAge;
    // Apply the camera view and projection transforms.
    return mul(mul(float4(position, 1), View), Projection);

// Vertex shader helper for computing the size of a particle.
float ComputeParticleSize(float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different size.
    float startSize = lerp(StartSize.x, StartSize.y, randomValue);
    float endSize = lerp(EndSize.x, EndSize.y, randomValue);
    // Compute the actual size based on the age of the particle.
    float size = lerp(startSize, endSize, normalizedAge);
    // Project the size into screen coordinates.
    return size * Projection._m11;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the color of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticleColor(float4 projectedPosition,
                            float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different color.
    float4 color = lerp(MinColor, MaxColor, randomValue);
    // Fade the alpha based on the age of the particle. This curve is hard coded
    // to make the particle fade in fairly quickly, then fade out more slowly:
    // plot x*(1-x)*(1-x) for x=0:1 in a graphing program if you want to see what
    // this looks like. The 6.7 scaling factor normalizes the curve so the alpha
    // will reach all the way up to fully solid.
    color.a *= normalizedAge * (1-normalizedAge) * (1-normalizedAge) * 6.7;
    return color;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the rotation of a particle.
float2x2 ComputeParticleRotation(float randomValue, float age)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle rotate at a different speed.
    float rotateSpeed = lerp(RotateSpeed.x, RotateSpeed.y, randomValue);
    float rotation = rotateSpeed * age;

    // Compute a 2x2 rotation matrix.
    float c = cos(rotation);
    float s = sin(rotation);
    return float2x2(c, -s, s, c);

// Custom vertex shader animates particles entirely on the GPU.
VertexShaderOutput ParticleVertexShader(VertexShaderInput input)
    VertexShaderOutput output;
    // Compute the age of the particle.
    float age = CurrentTime - input.Time;
    // Apply a random factor to make different particles age at different rates.
    age *= 1 + input.Random.x * DurationRandomness;
    // Normalize the age into the range zero to one.
    float normalizedAge = saturate(age / Duration);

    // Compute the particle position, size, color, and rotation.
    output.Position = ComputeParticlePosition(input.Position, input.Velocity,
                                              age, normalizedAge);

    float size = ComputeParticleSize(input.Random.y, normalizedAge);
    float2x2 rotation = ComputeParticleRotation(input.Random.w, age);

    output.Position.xy += mul(input.Corner, rotation) * size * ViewportScale;
    output.Color = ComputeParticleColor(output.Position, input.Random.z, normalizedAge);
    output.TextureCoordinate = (input.Corner + 1) / 2;
    return output;

// Pixel shader for drawing particles.
float4 ParticlePixelShader(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
	return tex2D(SamState, input.TextureCoordinate) * input.Color;

// Effect technique for drawing particles.
technique Particles
    pass P0
		VertexShader = compile vs_4_0_level_9_1 ParticleVertexShader();
		PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 ParticlePixelShader();

Yes, I ported that recently, give me a minute …

version log says I had to change the VertexShaderInput into this:
I remember now that the compiler didn’t like having two POSITIONx.

struct VertexShaderInput
    float3 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float2 Corner : NORMAL0;
    float3 Velocity : NORMAL1;
    float4 Random : COLOR0;
    float Time : TEXCOORD0;

Here is the full source:

#include "Macros.fxh"



// The current time, in seconds.
float CurrentTime;

// Parameters describing how the particles animate.
float Duration;
float DurationRandomness;
float3 Gravity;
float EndVelocity;
float4 MinColor;
float4 MaxColor;

// These float2 parameters describe the min and max of a range.
// The actual value is chosen differently for each particle,
// interpolating between x and y by some random amount.
float2 RotateSpeed;
float2 StartSize;
float2 EndSize;

float4x4 World;
// Camera parameters.
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;
float2 ViewportScale;


struct VertexShaderInput
    float3 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float2 Corner : NORMAL0;
    float3 Velocity : NORMAL1;
    float4 Random : COLOR0;
    float Time : TEXCOORD0;

struct VertexShaderOutput
    float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float4 Color : COLOR0;
    float2 TextureCoordinate : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the position of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticlePosition(float3 position, float3 velocity,
                               float age, float normalizedAge)
    float startVelocity = length(velocity);

    // Work out how fast the particle should be moving at the end of its life,
    // by applying a constant scaling factor to its starting velocity.
    float endVelocity = startVelocity * EndVelocity;
    // Our particles have constant acceleration, so given a starting velocity
    // S and ending velocity E, at time T their velocity should be S + (E-S)*T.
    // The particle position is the sum of this velocity over the range 0 to T.
    // To compute the position directly, we must integrate the velocity
    // equation. Integrating S + (E-S)*T for T produces S*T + (E-S)*T*T/2.

    float velocityIntegral = startVelocity * normalizedAge +
                             (endVelocity - startVelocity) * normalizedAge *
                                                             normalizedAge / 2;
    position += normalize(velocity) * velocityIntegral * Duration;
    // Apply the gravitational force.
    position += Gravity * age * normalizedAge;
    // Apply the camera view and projection transforms.
    return mul(mul(float4(position, 1), View), Projection);

// Vertex shader helper for computing the size of a particle.
float ComputeParticleSize(float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different size.
    float startSize = lerp(StartSize.x, StartSize.y, randomValue);
    float endSize = lerp(EndSize.x, EndSize.y, randomValue);
    // Compute the actual size based on the age of the particle.
    float size = lerp(startSize, endSize, normalizedAge);
    // Project the size into screen coordinates.
    return size * Projection._m11;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the rotation of a particle.
float2x2 ComputeParticleRotation(float randomValue, float age)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle rotate at a different speed.
    float rotateSpeed = lerp(RotateSpeed.x, RotateSpeed.y, randomValue);
    float rotation = rotateSpeed * age;

    // Compute a 2x2 rotation matrix.
    float c = cos(rotation);
    float s = sin(rotation);
    return float2x2(c, -s, s, c);

// Vertex shader helper for computing the color of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticleColor(float4 projectedPosition,
                            float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different color.
    float4 color = lerp(MinColor, MaxColor, randomValue);
    // Fade the alpha based on the age of the particle. This curve is hard coded
    // to make the particle fade in fairly quickly, then fade out more slowly:
    // plot x*(1-x)*(1-x) for x=0:1 in a graphing program if you want to see what
    // this looks like. The 6.7 scaling factor normalizes the curve so the alpha
    // will reach all the way up to fully solid.
    color.a *= normalizedAge * (1-normalizedAge) * (1-normalizedAge) * 6.7;
    return color;

VertexShaderOutput ParticleVertexShader(VertexShaderInput input)
    VertexShaderOutput output;
    // Compute the age of the particle.
    float age = CurrentTime - input.Time;
    // Apply a random factor to make different particles age at different rates.
    age *= 1 + input.Random.x * DurationRandomness;
    // Normalize the age into the range zero to one.
    float normalizedAge = saturate(age / Duration);
    // Compute the particle position, size, color, and rotation.
    output.Position = ComputeParticlePosition(input.Position, input.Velocity,
                                              age, normalizedAge);                                              
    float size = ComputeParticleSize(input.Random.y, normalizedAge);
    float2x2 rotation = ComputeParticleRotation(input.Random.w, age);                            
    output.Position.xy += mul(input.Corner, rotation) * size * ViewportScale;
    output.Color = ComputeParticleColor(output.Position, input.Random.z, normalizedAge);
    output.TextureCoordinate = (input.Corner + 1) / 2;
    return output;

float4 ParticlePixelShader(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
    float4 tex = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Texture, input.TextureCoordinate);
    tex.rgb = dot(tex.rgb, float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11));
    return tex * input.Color;

TECHNIQUE(Technique1, ParticleVertexShader, ParticlePixelShader);

Another thing…
ComputeParticleRotation can be optimized significantly, replacing one trig with a sqrt, provided you preserve the sign. Consider this if you are going to make heavy use of GPU particles. But before making any changes verify by measuring performance before and after.

a discussion on the topic here:

HLSL has a sincos function which i am confided will get translated by the driver to the most eficient instruction set on the GPU.

Cheers project compiles and runs, now the scene renders but doesn’t show the particle effects. Is there any chance I can see your VertexDecleration from ParticleVertex.cs to compare against what I have.

struct ParticleVertex
        // Stores which corner of the particle quad this vertex represents.
        public Short2 Corner;

        // Stores the starting position of the particle.
        public Vector3 Position;

        // Stores the starting velocity of the particle.
        public Vector3 Velocity;

        // Four random values, used to make each particle look slightly different.
        public Color Random;

        // The time (in seconds) at which this particle was created.
        public float Time;

        // Describe the layout of this vertex structure.
        public static readonly VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration
            new VertexElement(0, VertexElementFormat.Short2,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Normal, 1),

            new VertexElement(4, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Position, 0),

            new VertexElement(16, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                  VertexElementUsage.Normal, 0),

            new VertexElement(28, VertexElementFormat.Color,
                                  VertexElementUsage.Color, 0),

            new VertexElement(32, VertexElementFormat.Single,
                                  VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0)

        // Describe the size of this vertex structure.
        public const int SizeInBytes = 36;

and the modified .fx

// ParticleEffect.fx
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

// Camera parameters.
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;
float2 ViewportScale;

// The current time, in seconds.
float CurrentTime;

// Parameters describing how the particles animate.
float Duration;
float DurationRandomness;
float3 Gravity;
float EndVelocity;
float4 MinColor;
float4 MaxColor;

// These float2 parameters describe the min and max of a range.
// The actual value is chosen differently for each particle,
// interpolating between x and y by some random amount.
float2 RotateSpeed;
float2 StartSize;
float2 EndSize;

// Particle texture and sampler.
texture Texture;

sampler SamState = sampler_state
    Texture = <Texture>;
    MinFilter = Linear;
    MagFilter = Linear;
    MipFilter = Point;
    AddressU = Clamp;
    AddressV = Clamp;

// Vertex shader input structure describes the start position and
// velocity of the particle, and the time at which it was created,
// along with some random values that affect its size and rotation.
struct VertexShaderInput
    float2 Corner : NORMAL1;
    float3 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float3 Velocity : NORMAL0;
    float4 Random : COLOR0;
    float Time : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex shader output structure specifies the position and color of the particle.
struct VertexShaderOutput
	float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float4 Color : COLOR0;
    float2 TextureCoordinate : COLOR1;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the position of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticlePosition(float3 position, float3 velocity,
                               float age, float normalizedAge)
    float startVelocity = length(velocity);

    // Work out how fast the particle should be moving at the end of its life,
    // by applying a constant scaling factor to its starting velocity.
    float endVelocity = startVelocity * EndVelocity;
    // Our particles have constant acceleration, so given a starting velocity
    // S and ending velocity E, at time T their velocity should be S + (E-S)*T.
    // The particle position is the sum of this velocity over the range 0 to T.
    // To compute the position directly, we must integrate the velocity
    // equation. Integrating S + (E-S)*T for T produces S*T + (E-S)*T*T/2.

    float velocityIntegral = startVelocity * normalizedAge +
                             (endVelocity - startVelocity) * normalizedAge *
                                                             normalizedAge / 2;
    position += normalize(velocity) * velocityIntegral * Duration;
    // Apply the gravitational force.
    position += Gravity * age * normalizedAge;
    // Apply the camera view and projection transforms.
    return mul(mul(float4(position, 1), View), Projection);

// Vertex shader helper for computing the size of a particle.
float ComputeParticleSize(float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different size.
    float startSize = lerp(StartSize.x, StartSize.y, randomValue);
    float endSize = lerp(EndSize.x, EndSize.y, randomValue);
    // Compute the actual size based on the age of the particle.
    float size = lerp(startSize, endSize, normalizedAge);
    // Project the size into screen coordinates.
    return size * Projection._m11;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the color of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticleColor(float4 projectedPosition,
                            float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different color.
    float4 color = lerp(MinColor, MaxColor, randomValue);
    // Fade the alpha based on the age of the particle. This curve is hard coded
    // to make the particle fade in fairly quickly, then fade out more slowly:
    // plot x*(1-x)*(1-x) for x=0:1 in a graphing program if you want to see what
    // this looks like. The 6.7 scaling factor normalizes the curve so the alpha
    // will reach all the way up to fully solid.
    color.a *= normalizedAge * (1-normalizedAge) * (1-normalizedAge) * 6.7;
    return color;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the rotation of a particle.
float2x2 ComputeParticleRotation(float randomValue, float age)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle rotate at a different speed.
    float rotateSpeed = lerp(RotateSpeed.x, RotateSpeed.y, randomValue);
    float rotation = rotateSpeed * age;

    // Compute a 2x2 rotation matrix.
    float c = cos(rotation);
    float s = sin(rotation);
    return float2x2(c, -s, s, c);

// Custom vertex shader animates particles entirely on the GPU.
VertexShaderOutput ParticleVertexShader(VertexShaderInput input)
    VertexShaderOutput output;
    // Compute the age of the particle.
    float age = CurrentTime - input.Time;
    // Apply a random factor to make different particles age at different rates.
    age *= 1 + input.Random.x * DurationRandomness;
    // Normalize the age into the range zero to one.
    float normalizedAge = saturate(age / Duration);

    // Compute the particle position, size, color, and rotation.
    output.Position = ComputeParticlePosition(input.Position, input.Velocity,
                                              age, normalizedAge);

    float size = ComputeParticleSize(input.Random.y, normalizedAge);
    float2x2 rotation = ComputeParticleRotation(input.Random.w, age);

    output.Position.xy += mul(input.Corner, rotation) * size * ViewportScale;
    output.Color = ComputeParticleColor(output.Position, input.Random.z, normalizedAge);
    output.TextureCoordinate = (input.Corner + 1) / 2;
    return output;

// Pixel shader for drawing particles.
float4 ParticlePixelShader(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
	return tex2D(SamState, input.TextureCoordinate) * input.Color;

// Effect technique for drawing particles.
technique Particles
    pass P0
		VertexShader = compile vs_4_0_level_9_1 ParticleVertexShader();
		PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 ParticlePixelShader();

You are right, you need to change the order and the VertexElementUsage to align with the VertexShaderInput.

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PackedVector;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace tainicom.Aether.Particles.VertexTypes
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    struct ParticleVertex : IVertexType
        // Stores the starting position of the particle.
        public Vector3 Position;
        // Stores which corner of the particle quad this vertex represents.
        public Short2 Corner;
        // Stores the starting velocity of the particle.
        public Vector3 Velocity;
        // Four random values, used to make each particle look slightly different.
        public Color Random;
        // The time (in seconds) at which this particle was created.
        public float Time;
        VertexDeclaration IVertexType.VertexDeclaration
                return VertexDeclaration;

        // Describe the layout of this vertex structure.
        public static readonly VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration
            new VertexElement(0, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Position, 0),

            new VertexElement(12, VertexElementFormat.Short2,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Normal, 0),

            new VertexElement(16, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                  VertexElementUsage.Normal, 1),

            new VertexElement(28, VertexElementFormat.Color,
                                  VertexElementUsage.Color, 0),

            new VertexElement(32, VertexElementFormat.Single,
                                  VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0)


Still cant get the particle effect to render, tried various orders for the declaration and am just totally stuck and cant get my head round what the problem is.

The only files I have modified from the original XNA0.4 Sample are the ParticleEffect.fx & ParticleVertex.cs

// ParticleEffect.fx
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

// Camera parameters.
float4x4 View;
float4x4 Projection;
float2 ViewportScale;

// The current time, in seconds.
float CurrentTime;

// Parameters describing how the particles animate.
float Duration;
float DurationRandomness;
float3 Gravity;
float EndVelocity;
float4 MinColor;
float4 MaxColor;

// These float2 parameters describe the min and max of a range.
// The actual value is chosen differently for each particle,
// interpolating between x and y by some random amount.
float2 RotateSpeed;
float2 StartSize;
float2 EndSize;

// Particle texture and sampler.
texture Texture;

sampler SamState = sampler_state
    Texture = <Texture>;
    MinFilter = Linear;
    MagFilter = Linear;
    MipFilter = Point;
    AddressU = Clamp;
    AddressV = Clamp;

// Vertex shader input structure describes the start position and
// velocity of the particle, and the time at which it was created,
// along with some random values that affect its size and rotation.
struct VertexShaderInput
	float3 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float2 Corner : NORMAL0;
    float3 Velocity : NORMAL1;
    float4 Random : COLOR0;
    float Time : TEXCOORD0;


// Vertex shader output structure specifies the position and color of the particle.
struct VertexShaderOutput
	float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
    float4 Color : COLOR0;
	float2 TextureCoordinate : COLOR1;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the position of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticlePosition(float3 position, float3 velocity,
                               float age, float normalizedAge)
    float startVelocity = length(velocity);

    // Work out how fast the particle should be moving at the end of its life,
    // by applying a constant scaling factor to its starting velocity.
    float endVelocity = startVelocity * EndVelocity;
    // Our particles have constant acceleration, so given a starting velocity
    // S and ending velocity E, at time T their velocity should be S + (E-S)*T.
    // The particle position is the sum of this velocity over the range 0 to T.
    // To compute the position directly, we must integrate the velocity
    // equation. Integrating S + (E-S)*T for T produces S*T + (E-S)*T*T/2.

    float velocityIntegral = startVelocity * normalizedAge +
                             (endVelocity - startVelocity) * normalizedAge *
                                                             normalizedAge / 2;
    position += normalize(velocity) * velocityIntegral * Duration;
    // Apply the gravitational force.
    position += Gravity * age * normalizedAge;
    // Apply the camera view and projection transforms.
    return mul(mul(float4(position, 1), View), Projection);

// Vertex shader helper for computing the size of a particle.
float ComputeParticleSize(float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different size.
    float startSize = lerp(StartSize.x, StartSize.y, randomValue);
    float endSize = lerp(EndSize.x, EndSize.y, randomValue);
    // Compute the actual size based on the age of the particle.
    float size = lerp(startSize, endSize, normalizedAge);
    // Project the size into screen coordinates.
    return size * Projection._m11;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the color of a particle.
float4 ComputeParticleColor(float4 projectedPosition,
                            float randomValue, float normalizedAge)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle a slightly different color.
    float4 color = lerp(MinColor, MaxColor, randomValue);
    // Fade the alpha based on the age of the particle. This curve is hard coded
    // to make the particle fade in fairly quickly, then fade out more slowly:
    // plot x*(1-x)*(1-x) for x=0:1 in a graphing program if you want to see what
    // this looks like. The 6.7 scaling factor normalizes the curve so the alpha
    // will reach all the way up to fully solid.
    color.a *= normalizedAge * (1-normalizedAge) * (1-normalizedAge) * 6.7;
    return color;

// Vertex shader helper for computing the rotation of a particle.
float2x2 ComputeParticleRotation(float randomValue, float age)
    // Apply a random factor to make each particle rotate at a different speed.
    float rotateSpeed = lerp(RotateSpeed.x, RotateSpeed.y, randomValue);
    float rotation = rotateSpeed * age;

    // Compute a 2x2 rotation matrix.
    float c = cos(rotation);
    float s = sin(rotation);
    return float2x2(c, -s, s, c);

// Custom vertex shader animates particles entirely on the GPU.
VertexShaderOutput ParticleVertexShader(VertexShaderInput input)
    VertexShaderOutput output;
    // Compute the age of the particle.
    float age = CurrentTime - input.Time;
    // Apply a random factor to make different particles age at different rates.
    age *= 1 + input.Random.x * DurationRandomness;
    // Normalize the age into the range zero to one.
    float normalizedAge = saturate(age / Duration);

    // Compute the particle position, size, color, and rotation.
    output.Position = ComputeParticlePosition(input.Position, input.Velocity,
                                              age, normalizedAge);

    float size = ComputeParticleSize(input.Random.y, normalizedAge);
    float2x2 rotation = ComputeParticleRotation(input.Random.w, age);

    output.Position.xy += mul(input.Corner, rotation) * size * ViewportScale;
    output.Color = ComputeParticleColor(output.Position, input.Random.z, normalizedAge);
    output.TextureCoordinate = (input.Corner + 1) / 2;
    return output;

// Pixel shader for drawing particles.
float4 ParticlePixelShader(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
	return tex2D(SamState, input.TextureCoordinate) * input.Color;

// Effect technique for drawing particles.
technique Particles
    pass P0
		VertexShader = compile vs_4_0_level_9_1 ParticleVertexShader();
		PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 ParticlePixelShader();

#region File Description
// ParticleVertex.cs
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

#region Using Statements
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PackedVector;

namespace MonoParticle3D
    /// <summary>
    /// Custom vertex structure for drawing particles.
    /// </summary>

    struct ParticleVertex
        // Stores the starting position of the particle.
        public Vector3 Position;
        // Stores which corner of the particle quad this vertex represents.
        public Short2 Corner;
        // Stores the starting velocity of the particle.
        public Vector3 Velocity;
        // Four random values, used to make each particle look slightly different.
        public Color Random;
        // The time (in seconds) at which this particle was created.
        public float Time;
        // Describe the layout of this vertex structure.
        public static readonly VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration
            new VertexElement(0, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Position, 0),

            new VertexElement(12, VertexElementFormat.Short2,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Normal, 0),                                             

            new VertexElement(16, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                  VertexElementUsage.Normal, 1),

            new VertexElement(28, VertexElementFormat.Color,
                                  VertexElementUsage.Color, 0),

            new VertexElement(32, VertexElementFormat.Single,
                                  VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0)

        public const int SizeInBytes = 36;

I can’t help you more with that. I didn’t ‘port’ the sample, just took the files i needed to my project and work any issues from there. So, i can’t really tell if there is anything else to it.
For now copy my two source files to see if they work. They are closer to MG style. You would need Macros.fxh

Maybe the resulting sampler is different, and MATRIX_CONSTANTS is misplaced but it works anyway.

Another thing you can try is to draw with wireframe to see if the quads are out there, (the the second MG video at microsoft academy). or change to Opaque to check if you are getting black/null textures.
If that’s the case then it’s a problem with textures, try to change th order you asign the textures and apply the affect.

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Have you made any progress with the particles?

I’m currently going through the process of trying to figure this out myself and managed to follow this thread to get the sample up and running… except with the Particles not showing up on screen… so pretty much the same problem you are having.

Maybe we could work on this together?

I grabbed the Macros.fxh and copied your Effect + Vertex Definition class, and while the MonoGame Content Builder is now able to convert it into an xnb, the particles wont show up on screen.

I’ve attempted to draw the textures and they show up, so I don’t believe the answer to be textures.
…It could also be possible that the reason Its not rendering is because I’m still on a MonoGame debug build from Janurary. Are you on a newer one?

From steps, what I have done was

  1. Created a new MonoGame Desktop (DirectX) Program
  2. Copied over all the assets from the sample project
  3. Recompiled all the assets using the Mono Game Content Builter
  4. Added the “Macros.fxh” and replaced the “ParticleEffect.fx” with the one you posted earlier, then recompiled it using the MonoGame Content Builder
  5. Added all the Assets to the project, Set to Content and Copy when Newer
  6. Replaced the “ParticleVertex” Class with the one you posted earlier
  7. Modified the Base Abstract Class for “ParticleSystem” to replace the reference to “SizeInBytes” with 36 (which was what the variable was set to in the old “ParticleVertex” class.

Not had much time to look at this since last post, not tried the macros.fxh, did enable wireframe though and nothing is being drawn. I’ll let you know when I look at it again if I have any luck.

try changing VertexElementFormat.Short2 to VertexElementFormat.Vector2 and change it’s offset to 8 in your vertex declaration.

Here’s the preview:

public static readonly VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration
          new VertexElement(0, VertexElementFormat.Vector3, 
                                 VertexElementUsage.Position, 0),
          new VertexElement(12, VertexElementFormat.Vector2, 
                                 VertexElementUsage.Normal, 0),
          new VertexElement(20, VertexElementFormat.Vector3,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Normal, 1),
          new VertexElement(32, VertexElementFormat.Color,
                                 VertexElementUsage.Color, 0),
          new VertexElement(36, VertexElementFormat.Single,
                                 VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0)

public const int SizeInBytes = 40;