3.5 Pipeline Tool not Building

I created a new .mgcb file and added a folder of images to it. It built fine, and I was able to add the images to my project from the bin folder.

Now I’ve added some additional images, but the pipeline tool won’t build anything.

“Build” and “Rebuild” both have no result and no console output. “Clean” results in the message “Build 0 succeeded, 0 failed.” Nothing new ever shows up in the bin folder.

I’m using all the default settings and haven’t changed anything. It seems like it only worked once, and then never again.

It looks like what’s happening is that the pipeline only builds if it’s a brand new file. Deleting the .mgcb and starting a new one every time I need a new image causes it to work again.

It’s annoying, and I can work around it, but I’d still prefer to not have to.