A Metalic Look, Material + Light

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to have Metal Look and Mirroring-Effect on my 3D-Model. It’s a piano.
I’ve exported my model to the fbx-Format and than I converted it to xnb with Content-Project.
If I load my app, there is no mirroring effect or glossy effects.
The parts of the Mesh has only their color, but its not nice.

Can anyone help?
Kind regards

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you can’t have those effects embedded into the model. The fbx describes the mesh of the model, but does not add any lighting or effect. You need a shared to add lighting and reflections.


The mesh is rendered with different colors, like the original model. But it has no
color glossy effects, like the Model in my 3D-Studio. I rendered it with the BasicEffect, how it is described in your link.I need to add reflections manually? Does MonoGame has reflections?


Your model has colors from the texture, but for anything else you need to use shaders. Google for “XNA reflections”. There are some great tutorials out there.

thank you. I am searching for this :wink:
I have to add a few pixel shaders.


There are lots of ways to do this… a few simple ones in XNA/MonoGame: