I’m attempting to add a FrameLayout in order to add some banner ads to my game. How do I add a FrameLayout to an AndroidGameActivity?
I’m attempting to add a FrameLayout in order to add some banner ads to my game. How do I add a FrameLayout to an AndroidGameActivity?
I used this code to display AdView banner on top of monogame:
var frameLayout = new FrameLayout (this);
var linearLayout = new LinearLayout (this);
linearLayout.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
linearLayout.SetGravity (GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal | GravityFlags.Bottom);
frameLayout.AddView ((View)game.Services.GetService (typeof(View)));
this.adView = new AdView (this);
this.adView.AdSize = AdSize.SmartBanner;
linearLayout.AddView (this.adView);
frameLayout.AddView (linearLayout);
SetContentView (frameLayout);
Hope this help.